Part 39 - tension

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I wake up tangled in Ivan's arms. I wince as I get up off of him. This wakes him up.

"Hey are you okay?" He asks startled.

I shake my head. "No I'm okay." I yawn.

As I move to get out of bed I see Bentley sleeping on the edge of the bed. I smile when I see him.

"He's gotten so big." Ivan smiles as he gets up.

"Oh no I forgot to call my mom yesterday!" Ivan looks for his phone on the bed. He soon finds it under the pillow.

"I'm going to go call her now." I nod my head before Ivan leaves the room.

I slowly get up off the bed and walk towards the washroom down the hall.

I close the door behind me once I'm inside. I see my stuff are already in here. My cleaner, moisturizer, and tooth brush are already set up for me.

I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth before fixing my hair. I take my hair out of its braid and brush it.

I put my hair in a high bun before leaving the washroom. When I'm about to enter my room again I overhear people talking downstairs.

I stop before entering my room so I can listen. I hear a familiar voice.

"This is all my fault I'm so sorry." I hear Ivan's mom say downstairs.

How is this her fault?

"No Laura it's not." Graysons strong voices echos.

"But I knew he was a bad person." Laura sighs. "Your mother wanted to get away but she couldn't. I tried helping her but not long after she was gone." Laura's voices cracks.

"I tried calling you guys over the years but no one ever picked up. I assumed you guys were just grieving. I hoped he changed for you guys." My eyes begin to water.

Dad was always a bad person? I can't believe I never saw it. I spent most of my time with mom but when I was with dad he didn't seem bad at all. I guess he was a good actor.

"So you knew he was bad all along?" I hear Ivan say angrily. "Why didn't you try harder?" Tears now leave my eyes.

He can't blame his mom. She tried.

I push back my tears. "Ivan this isn't her fault. Can you let us talk alone please?" I hear Grayson say.

Before Ivan can respond I walk inside the bedroom. I can't understand this. Mom and dad always had problems and the only person who knew and tried to help was Laura? And what kind of problems did they have?

My mind wanders all over the place. "You okay?" I hear Ivan walk inside the bedroom.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say softly.

"Can I change your bandages?" Ivan asks hesitantly with supplies in his hands.

Grayson probably told him to do this. "Yeah." I say in almost a whisper.

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