Part 46 - tell me your thoughts

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Ivan drives Hazel back home before he takes Nolan and I back to Grays house. I start to get anxious as we get closer.

"Aly i know you don't want me to, but I have to tell Gray what happened. He's going to find out either way and we need his help." Nolan speaks up from the back seat.

I sigh as I look out the window. I don't bother to argue because I know he's right. I know Grayson will do anything he can to help.

It just makes me sick to think about it.

"Call me later, okay?" Ivan looks at me once he parks the car.

"You're not going to come in?" I ask softly. For some reason I don't want him to go.

"I think it's better if I don't Lis." Butterflies mix in my stomach when the name 'lis' leaves his mouth. I don't know what's happening to me.

"Hurry up." Nolan opens my door. I sigh as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Okay I'll call you." I force a small smile before leaving the car.

Nolan closing the door behind me.

"You might want to calm your blushing face before Grayson sees." Nolan says as we walk up to the house.

I didn't realize I was blushing.

When we were at the park I didn't think twice about kissing Ivan. I just did. Something inside of me wanted to, and I let it. I'm done holding back my feelings.

I let out a breath before Nolan unlocks the door. As we walk inside Bentley runs to the door.

"Hi Bentley!" Nolan throws Bentleys toy before taking off his shoes.

Once I take my shoes off Gray and Harper are already by the front door.

"Why are you guys back so early?" Harper asks walking to the living room.

We all follow her as she sits down. "Sorry I cant stand. I'm pregnant." We all laugh at that.

"We actually need to talk to you guys." Nolan speaks up. I'm glad he did because I can't find the words to talk.

Nolan looks at me and I can tell he can already read my mind. Instead of forcing me to speak, he tells them about everything.

From the very beginning. He tells them about Victoria and Graham, and how they've been treating me throughout the year. He finally tells them about what happened at the party, and why his hands are all bloody.

While he speaks, I keep my head down. I can't find the strength to meet their eyes.

Once Nolan's done I can tell Graysons mad. But not at me. He's mad at Josh, Victoria, and Graham.

Nolan moves from beside me and pulls out his phone. I don't bother to look when he shows Grayson something. I'm not sure what he's showing him but I can tell it's not good.

Grayson cruses under his breath as he stands. "Aly I told you no more secrets. This is something you should've told us." I look up at him.

Healing closed wounds Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang