Part 19 - ivan

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I have updated this stories cover <3 I like it a lot better :)


Seeing Aly again changed something in me. I thought seeing her again would be different. I imagined her to be bubbly and happy like she always was. But she wasn't.

When she mentioned cheer and how she grew out of it I didn't believe it. There's no way Alice Miller could grow out of cheer. It's what she always talked about.

Not only did she not cheer anymore, but she looked scared when her dad was around. Everything is different and it doesn't feel right.

"Hey are you okay kiddo?" Dad says to me as I'm eating breakfast.

I look up from my plate. "Uhm yeah why are you asking?"

"You haven't touched your food in five minutes and you've been staring off into space." He laughs.

"It's nothing." I grab my fork and continue eating.

"You don't want to be late for school hurry up!" Mom yells from the kitchen.

I look at the time on my phone and quickly finish up my food before putting my plate in the sink.

I run to my room to put some socks on. Quickly getting my bag and putting on my shoes, I'm out the door in no time walking to school.

I prefer to walk sometimes. It helps me clear my head. Plus the school isn't far from where I live so it works out perfectly.


"Ivan!" I look up quickly when I hear someone yell my name.

"Dude you keep zoning out every five minutes are you okay." My friend Zain says from beside me.

"Yeah I'm good don't worry about it." I go back to my work without another word.

"What has Victoria been keeping you up?" Zain laughs from beside me.

I glare at him.

"What chill she seems to be into you. Plus she's cute." He shrugs.

"Well I'm not into her." I say back.

I used to like her but after awhile I realized that she wasn't someone I like to be around. She used to make fun of other people behind their backs and she was extremely clingy even though we were never together. She made me realize how much I missed having Alice around.

My thoughts are interrupted by the bell.

I start packing up my stuff my supplies from this class so I can start heading to my next one.

—————time skip————-

I'm on my walk home when my phone rings.


I let it ring out but she calls again.

I pick up.

"Hi!" She says

"Hi" I reply.

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