Part 6 - photographic memories

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I wake up the next morning and walk downstairs to see Owen and Gabe eating breakfast at the table.

"Good morning sleepy head." Gabe says to me as I grab the bag of bagels.

"Good morning." I yawn putting the bagel in the toaster.

I turn to face them. "Is dad going to be home this weekend?" I ask hesitantly playing with the sleeves of my sweater.

"I'm not sure, why?" Owen reply's.

"I was just wondering if Elle can sleep over tonight." I say.

"Yes of course I would never say no to a sleepover." He gets up and puts his dirty dishes in the sink.

"Unless it's with a boy. That's different." He glares at me and I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes. No boys." He points his finger at me.

"It's just Eleanor. No boys." I turn around to take the bagels out of the toaster once they're done.

Gabe walks into the kitchen grabbing a cup. "Just Elle?" He asks walking to the fridge and grabbing orange juice.

"Well she's the only one sleeping over. Hazel and Luna have plans tonight so they can't sleep here." I reply back leaving the party part out.

Gabe nods pouring juice into his cup. "Can you fill one up for me too?" I ask.

"Yes of course." He kisses my forehead as I walk past him with my bagels placing them on the table.


"HEY BENTLEY!" Luna yells as she walks through the front doors. Elle and Hazel are already here and once we hear Luna we all walk downstairs.

"More excited to see the dogs than us?" Hazel laughs grabbing her arm and dragging her upstairs.

"Yes I'm in love with Bentley." She whines on the way to my room.

"Hey are all your brothers home?" Luna asks closing the door behind her as I jump onto my bed.

"Uhm Grayson and Owen aren't here but everyone else is." I reply.

"Talking about me?" Nolan walks into my room and sits on my bed.

"No now leave." I try pushing him off my bed but it doesn't work.

"Should I wear this or this." Hazel holds up two different dresses she brought with her. One being a red silk dress and the other being black.

We all look at her and contemplate as she puts both of them up to her body.

"Red." Nolan speaks up.

I look at him and he's still looking at Hazel making her blush bright red.

"Okay gross please leave my room." I say after I watch them make eye contact. They've known each other for a long time but they've never been flirty.

Poking Nolan's arm he looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"Okay I'm leaving." But before he leaves he turns to me.

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