Part 11 - hurt

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"MILLER!" I flinch my head up at Mr Mendel.

"Yes sorry I'm paying attention." I grab my pencil tighter than I was before.

"Doesn't seem like it. Does dentition sound like somewhere you want to be?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Then do your work." He points to the paper in-front of me and he goes back to his desk.

I take in a deep breath and look down to my paper and I begin writing down some stuff.

"Hey Aly?" Hazel asks softly to my right.

"Yes?" I ask still looking down at my paper.

"Are you okay?" I look at her and smile.

"I'm fine." When she nods I turn back to my paper and finish writing.

||~*~*~|| TIME SKIP ||~*~*~||

"Here." I hand in my advance functions homework before I sit down at my desk near Graham.

Sitting down I try not to wince as I sit down in my chair. After falling down the stairs onto the side where I already have a bruise does not feel good.

Once I sit Graham turns to look at me. I turn my head to face him. "You okay?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I say annoyed.

"Sorry. You just seem on edge." He says back.

"Yeah, and I wouldn't mind falling off if." I say sarcastically.

Graham gives me one last look and then turns around to face the board.

——- 30 minutes later ———-

I'm doing my work when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn my head and grahams facings me again. "Yes?" I ask softly.

"Do you want to get ice cream later? After school?" Graham asks. I smile at the thought.

But I cant. My brothers would never let me go out with a guy. My smile fades. "I would love to but my brothers wouldn't like it if I went out with a guy."

I sigh as his face turns a little hurt. He tries covering it up, "that's fine, I can understand that." He turns his head back to his work.

Feel awful I turn to face him. "Graham?" He looks up at me. "Mhm?"

"If I could I would say yes. I would love to get ice cream with you. I'll still ask my brothers but I don't have high hopes. Im sorry." I look at him and he smiles at me.

"Alice I understand. You don't have to text your brothers I know what's going to happen anyways. I'll just see you tomorrow during lunch?" He reply's.

"Yeah.. tomorrow during lunch." I smile and turn back to my work.


Once I'm home I undress out of my uncomfortable school clothes and into some shorts and a sweater.

I walk out of my room with Bentley by my side.

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