Part 32 - brothers

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I'm standing in my washroom with the dress on. I cant show Grayson and Harper. There's marks all over my arms and back.

When I got this dress I only had a couple bruises.

"Are you almost done?" I hear Harper ask.

"I-" I swallow. "Graysons right." I pause.

"Come on just show me!" Harper says closer to the door.

"No I'll just look for a different dress." I look into the mirror.

In the reflection I see my full foundation bottle. I barley use foundation but this will have to work.

"Okay just give me a minute." I quickly grab the bottle.

I hope Harper doesn't notice that my body is covered in foundation. Thankfully my hair covers most of the open back.

But just to be safe I put foundation on the more visible marks.

"What's taking so long?" Graysons now knocking on the door.

"Nothing I'll be out in a minute!" I finish putting foundation on my arm.

It's messy but it'll work for 5 minutes. I just can't get close to Harper. She'll notice.

I fix my hair so it covers most of my back and a bit of my arms.

I open the door to the washroom.

"It's not that bad!" Harper stands up from the bed and walks closer.

"Turn around." Grayson says sharply. I slowly do a full circle.

"I don't like the open back." Grayson crosses his arms. "But if you keep your hair down it's fine." He sits back on the bed.

I was planning on keeping my hair down anyways.

"Aly it looks beautiful on you!" She walks closer but I step away.

"I'm going to change out of it now." I close the door and lock it.

I let out a sigh.

I take off the dress and hop in the shower so all the foundation can get off.

||~*~*~|| the next day ||~*~*~||

"I'm so excited for the dance!" Hazel squeals from beside me.

We're all at Lunas locker talking. We haven't seen Victoria all day. But I guess that's a good thing.

"You're wearing that dress tomorrow night right?" Hazel says happily.

"The red one?" Lunas eyes light up.

I nod. "Yes I am."

"Really? I'm surprised you're allowed to wear that." I hear Victoria say behind me.

We all turn around to face her.

But she's not alone. Grahams behind her.

"So your brothers didn't beat you up for buying that dress?" He smirks as if what he said was funny.

"Beat her up?" Luna laughs.

"They might have strong opinions, but her brothers would never hurt her." Eleanor glares at Graham.

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