Part 23 - false truth

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I get up from the couch frustrated as I watch Aly walk away. "Something isn't right." I turn to Harper.

"There's no way she's okay after what just happened. Goddammit she was pinned to the wall!" I don't know what to do.

"She's clearly not fine. She looked a bit too fine about the situation." Harper gets up.

"What are you trying to say?" She asks.

"I think this isn't the first time this has happened. The Aly I know wouldn't be fine about this. She's always been sensitive Harp you know that." I pace around the room.

"It's almost like she was used to it." My voice cracks as I say this. I cant imagine Aly going through something like that regularly. I will not let that happen.

I walk away from Harper and straight to the backyard where I know dad is. Miles took him outside to cool down.

I walk fast to the backyard and I see him sitting there staring at his hands. Not hesitating I grab his collar the same way he did to Aly.

"Gray! Put me down!" He tries to punch me but I dodge it as I grip him harder.

"You hit her don't you?" I say loudly not meaning to.

"No! Did she tell you that!" He screams angrily.

"Shut the hell up!" I push him to the floor. "Do you hit her." I ask again.

He gets up off the floor. "I don't!" He tries to punch me but I grab his wrist and pull him back down.

"Give me the keys." I say sternly.

"Give me the extra key you have to this house." I let go of him.

He stands up. "No. This is my house. It is legally under my name."

I laugh and shake my head. "I don't give a damn. Give me the goddamn key."

"You can't have it." Without another words I push him against the wall of the house and search his pockets.

Once I find the key he starts to fight back. "You will never get this house under your name! I'll get my lawyer!" He yells.

The thought makes me laugh. "Really?" I say.

"You really think you have a chance against me? You really think the court will keep this house under your name after what you just did?" I look at him and he stands there dumbfounded.

"From now on you're not allowed inside this house unless somebody lets you in." I put the key inside my back pocket.

"Now get out. Come back when you're sober and less mentally ill." I don't move my eyes away from his as he walks away through the backyard gate.

He stops before leaving. "When I come back I better be let in. I'm your father."

"Then prove it." Without another word I walk inside the house and lock the door, leaving him alone outside.

I sigh placing the extra keep on the table.

I see Harper sitting on the couch. I look at her. "I'll be back. I need to talk to Aly."

I walk away and up the stairs to alys room.

I knock two times. "Alice can I come in?"

After a couple seconds she answers. "Yes."

I walk into her room and she's sitting on the floor, her back against her bed, and she's doing nothing but staring at the wall.

I close the door behind me once I'm in her room. I walk up to her and sit on the hard wood floor.

"Can I ask you something?" I look at her but she doesn't move her eyes.

"Sure." She whispers.

"Does Daniel hurt you?" After everything he's done I can't even say the words dad anymore.

Aly doesn't move. Instead she closes her eyes. "Why would you think that?" She asks softly.

"Aly I just need you to answer the question." I ask softy hoping she'll answer truthfully.

She shakes her head. "No he hasn't."

"I don't believe you." I say again. This time she turns and faces me.

"Only once." She says with no emotion to her voice.

I take a deep breath.

"I don't want to talk about it. But it was awhile ago." She turns back to face the wall.

"Thank you for being honest with me Aly." I move a strand of hair away from her face.

"Whenever you need to talk come to me okay? I want you to be okay." Saying this makes Aly turn to me again.

She forces a small smile. "I will be okay. Thank you." She hugs me and kisses my cheek.

I look at her again. "Did you shower?" I ask.

She tucks her knees into her chest. "No. All I could do is sit here." Seeing her like this pains me so much. I need to be there for her but I don't know how to. I try but sometimes it doesn't work. I need moms help.

"Aly, I wish I could do more to help you. Ever since mom..." i clear my throat. "I just hate seeing you in pain. Mentally and physically. If you're not okay please talk. I can get you a therapist if you want. I just need you to be okay and happy."

She looks at me again with watery eyes. "I love you Gray but I'm seriously okay. Sometimes I don't feel it but when I'm with you guys I am. I just.. I just need time to myself. That's it. You know being a teenager is confusing." She laughs. "But also having dad around and mom being.. gone. It's just hard sometimes.. but I'll be okay."

I hold her face into my hand. "You're just like mom you know that?" A tear from her eyes falls. "She loved you so much. I know she's with you everyday making sure you don't get into trouble." We both laugh.

"Okay I think I'm actually going to go shower now." Aly laughs getting up off the floor.

I get up too. "If you need help with my homework let me know okay?" She nods as I leave her room.

"Love you bean." I yell behind the closed door. "Love you too ugly!" I laugh shaking my head as I walk downstairs.



Aly is still not telling them the truth </3 I have a plan for this btwwww!! She just doesn't want anything happening to her or her family..


Healing closed wounds Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora