Part 40 - only you

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It's been two days since everything happened. Gray and Harper have been nothing but supportive and comforting. I'm almost jealous of my future niece or nephew.

It's Sunday afternoon and I'm not feel like attending school tomorrow. Everything that's been going on is extremely stressful. Going to school will only make it worse.

I called my friends last night and told them everything. It was hard, but they listened the whole time. They kept reassuring me that they're there for me no matter what, and that no matter what happens they'll be by my side. It went way better than I thought.

They all came over and dropped off some snacks for me. But they didn't stay. They didn't want to overwhelm me.

I seriously couldn't ask for better friends.

But the thought of that quickly leaves when I remember Victoria. Victoria, Jess, and Graham. The three who cornered and threatened me at the spring formal.

I cant go to school. They can't know that I've been spending time with Ivan. Once they know, they'll tell the whole school about my personal life. My personal life that nobody but me and my family need to know about.

I can't believe I let them walk all over me. I wish I could've done something.

"Bentley found some mud he needs a bath!" I hear Nolan yell from downstairs. This breaks me out of my thought.

I walk downstairs to see Ivan and Nolan holding a wet muddy dog. "This is your job." Nolan tries giving me Bentley but I flinch away. "No!"

"I'm not washing him!" Nolan says.

"Who said I want to!" I reply watching Ivan laugh. I now realize that he's here. I didn't even comprehend that Ivan was here.

"What are you doing here?" I ask confused.

"Wow I didn't want to see you either." I says sarcastically.

"Okay someone clean this dog!" Nolan let's go of Bentley. Bentley begins to run but I catch him by the collar before he can make the house dirty.

"Nolan! He's going to ruin Grays house! Why would you let him go you freak!" I snap at Nolan as Bentley jumps on me. 

"No dirty dogs in the house!" Harper and Grayson walk inside through the front door with grocery bags.

"Tell Nolan that!" I say loudly.

"Doesn't matter, take that dog to the bath!" Harper says, the same way a mom would.

I groan as I drag Bentley to the bathroom. "Bentley move this way!" I say trying to move him. But he's to busy watching Ivan.

"Ivan stop distracting him." I say glaring at him.

Ivan turns to look at me. He smirks at me, ignoring the dog at his feet. "Sorry I cant change the fact that I'm attractive."

"That's not what I meant. And besides Bentley is a Male." I say, still trying to pull Bentley away.

"And? What if he's gay?" Ivan crosses his arms as he looks down at me.

"then Bentley has bad taste." I say jokingly.

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