Part 16 - two faced 

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To get there our family had to take 2 cars. I went with Owen, Gabe, and Miles.

"Aly what did dad say to you?" Gabe asks from the passenger seat. I look at my hands and swallow.

"Nothing really important. He just tried to apologize and I let him..." I hate lying but it's what I have to do.

"So you forgave him?" Miles says shocked beside me.

I shake my head looking out the window. "I don't think I could ever forgive him." I reply in almost a whisper.

"I'm sorry Aly. You don't deserve his bullshit." Owen says angrily from the drivers seat. "If he touches you again tell me okay." He glances at me and I nod. If only it were easy.

Soon enough we're parking in the Murphys driveway behind Graysons car. Getting out I admire the house I used to see all the time. It looks the same way it did the last time I saw it. There's only a few new plants in front of the door.

I look for the tree Ivan and I used to sit under to see if it's still there. It sure is. Walking up to it I trace my hand over the markings we left in the bark.

Ivan and Aly
July 17 2015

The date we engraved our names is written right under it. "Awh that's adorable!" Harper says behind me, waking me out of my trance.

"I remember you guys not letting me write my name. I'm still mad." Nolan scoffs as he walks up to the front porch. Laughing, I walk up behind everyone as Grayson knocks on the door.

Dad stands close to me which makes me uncomfortable but I try not to show it. "Oh my gosh welcome in guys!" Laura smiles at all of as and we start to pile inside.

I can feel dad tense beside me once I take my shoes off and put them neatly to the side with the others.

I notice he hasn't taken his off. "Dad your shoes." I whisper. It's a polite thing to do and I don't want him to be rude at anyone's house.

He gives me a fake smile taking them off. Here comes his nice dad act.

"Dan! It's so nice to see you." Laura gives him her hand to shake. Dad smiles and shakes her hand. "It's great to see you too." We all know that's a lie.

It makes me uncomfortable to see him act happy because I know it's not real. Not even 20 minutes ago he threatened me. I hate begin around him.

"Did I hear Dan?" Hudson comes up behind Laura and shakes his hand. "It's so nice to see you again. Let's sit." He takes us all to the living room.

Once we're all seated Zach, Maya, Sienna and Ivan all come into the living room and say hi. They sit down on extra chairs since there's no more room on the couch.

"So how have things been Daniel?" Laura asks smiling.

"They've been great how about you?" He reply's.

"They've been great as well thank you. How long has it been since the last time we saw each other?" She laughs trying to think.

"seven years." I say out-loud not meaning too. Everyone looks at me. "Uh just basic math." I laugh nervously. "You've always been smart Aly." Laura smiles at me and I smile back.

"So are you still working in construction?" Hudson looks at dad and he smiles. "Uhm yes. I don't do much anymore though." That's a lie. He stopped working a couple years after mom died. All our income came from Grayson after that.

I let out a nervous breath as I turn to Grayson. He looks at me and mouths 'it's okay'  before turning away.

I don't feel okay about him being here. We shouldn't be lying and acting like we're a picture perfect family.

Everyone's been talking for about 15 minutes and catching up. They've gone from Grayson and Harpers marriage, to university and colleges that the older kids are in, and how Nolan and Sienna both play basketball.

I can now feel the conversation starting to shift to Ivan and I. My heart beat picking up again from nerves.

"Do you play any sports Ivan?" Grayson asks.

"I play a lot of different sports with my friends but I love soccer and football." He says smiling. His smile looks the same as it always did. Soft and happy.

"He's actually playing on a couple teams." Hudson pats Ivan's back proudly. Seeing Hudson proud of his son stings a little. My heart aches as I watch how proud Hudson is of his children.

I miss mom. I miss how she would always say she's proud of who I'm becoming.

"What about Aly?" Sienna smiles looking at me.

"She hasn't played anything in a couple years." Nolan says. This makes me think back. I used to cheer all the time. I really loved it. But once mom died I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore. Even after Grayson said he saved enough money so I could go back.

"What?" Amaya says sadly.

"You don't cheer anymore?" Laura looks at me but I can't hold the eye contact without tearing up so I look at my hands. "Uhm no, not anymore."

"Why not?" Amaya asks. I look at Grayson and then back to Amaya. "I don't know." I shrug and smile nervously. "I guess I just grew out of it." I never really grew out of it. I always wanted to go back to my cheer team but I couldn't. I couldn't think about going without mom there in the bleachers cheering for me.

"You? Growing out of cheer?" Laura says. "I never thought I'd ever here that.. I remember you practicing in this exact living room before your competitions." Everyone laughs.

"I know. It made me sad when she said she wanted to quit." I stiffen when dad speaks up. He has a lot of nerve to say that. He hated that I was on the cheer team. He said it was a waste of money and that I should stop.

I feel Nolan rub the small of my back to comfort me but it doesn't work. It's quite for a minute before Laura speaks up.

"Let's go eat!" Laura sits up and starts walking to the table that looks bigger than usual.

Sienna laughs walking to the table and sitting down.
"We made dad extend the table so we could all fit."

Gabe laughs sitting beside her.

Once I get to the table the only seat left is the one beside dad. I feel someone gently grab my arm making me wince a little but I soon recover as I turn around. "You can take my spot." Owen says but dad as other plans.

"Aly come sit beside your dad!" Dad says happily in his chair. I close look up at Owen and he kisses my head gently pushing me away towards dad.

I let out a shaky breath as I walk towards him.


There will be another part soon! BAHAH


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