Chapter Nineteen-II: Recurrence

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" Uhm still you are visiting me in my own house for the first time also it's been a long time since we last met. So, it's basic courtesy of me to make sure to give you a warm reception.", Jungkook said being polite. Miyeon just nodded while forcing a smile.

" Please have some tea...", Jungkook urged her, and she grabbed the cup of tea. Jungkook too took his own cup. They for a while were silent drinking their tea.

" Your house is very gorgeous Jungkook as well as enormous. I am wondering how you managed to keep it so beautiful without any maids.", Miyeon said trying to create topics to talk about to ease the awkwardness.

" Me and my wife managed everything. Although we had some initial problems adjusting to the house, but we didn't face that much of trouble. But due to study and work pressure we have to hire the maids again.", Jungkook replied.

' My wife' the phrase he just used stabbed Miyeon's heart with thousands of very sharp and thin knives and made her heart bleed unseen blood. And the way he was saying 'We' again and again connecting him, and his wife was also making her feel hurt.

" You must be very happy in your new life. I am glad to see it. Your wife treats you better, right?? She is doing the job better than me right?? I hope that's the case.", Miyeon said in a blank look suddenly while sipping her tea feeling empty from inside. Jungkook was a bit baffled hearing her question because he wasn't expecting her to bring up the topic of their past.

" Yes. I am actually happy in my new life. I agree at first, I didn't have my consent and we had many difficulties to get along. But it's nice now. I have no complains.", Jungkook said with a sweet smile and Miyeon could grasp from his tone that he was being genuine and had accepted his fate.

She wanted him to be happy. But was it really easy for him to forget her? Wasn't he too fast at forgetting her where else she was still stuck in their past? She felt deceived from his behavior...

" And Miyeon, to answer your question, she and you are two different persons with different personalities. I never found it necessary to compare because you two comforted me in your own way. And I like her the way she is truthfully.", Jungkook answered Miyeon's sensitive question in a very mature way making Miyeon speechless. Miyeon just kept sipping her tea trying to avoid eye contact with Jungkook.

" You have been talking about me from the time you came. Tell me about yourself now, how have you been? Are you in Korea for vacation or are you planning to stay here?", Jungkook asked trying to shift the topic.

" I have been good. And I came to visit Korea for some time. I didn't decide yet should I settle here or go back. But Taehyung oppa kept telling me that I should stay in Japan and that's better for me.", Miyeon replied.

" You should decide after some thoughts. After all it's your life.", Jungkook said, and she nodded. Then both became quite finding no other topic to talk anymore. The atmosphere was getting awkward. Miyeon cleared her throat.

" Maybe I should get going now. I don't want your wife to get any kind of wrong idea.", Miyeon said and Jungkook wasn't even trying to tell her to stop. Because It really was inappropriate for his ex to stay in the house and talk to him when he was alone, and he doesn't even know how he should introduce Miyeon to Lisa. She already recognizes all of his friends except his ex.

Miyeon stood up and so did Jungkook. Jungkook see her off till the door. Miyeon flashed him a smile.

" Let's keep in touch sometime Jungkook.", Miyeon said and Jungkook nodded.

" Yeah, Sure.", Jungkook replied. Then Miyeon started walking away clicking her heel. Her smile wiped off after she turned her back from the house. She was feeling disappointed in her fate thinking that she was deprived of her place. It should had been her to be labelled as 'His Wife' instead of another person. Her name should had been connected with his one. She deserved it.

Although she had left country to move on from Jungkook. She was realizing right now that her love for Jungkook didn't decrease even for an ounce. Miyeon halted for some second and looked back at the house.

Why am I feeling that everyone moved on?? Only I am struck in the same place. I am still struck on the moment when Jungkook used to be mine. I still can't walk ahead of the moment when Jungkook came and asked me to breakup. Miyeon thought with a heavy heart weighting on her chest.

However, she doesn't possess the power to do anything against the writing of fate. So, she started walking toward her car and sat on the driver seat.

His happiness is all that matters to me. If he's happy, then I am happy too. She thought with a solemn smile while turning on the engine and turned her car to leave. Miyeon's car was leaving and at the same time Lisa's car was entering toward the house passing each other. But both didn't notice each other as they were focusing on driving. Lisa parked her car after reaching the house. She walked out of her car and head slapped herself.

" Lisa! What had gotten into you?! How could you leave without picking up Sehun oppa just because of that bitch!", Lisa scolded herself feeling angry with herself.

She took her phone to call Sehun, but she found Jungkook's massage. She didn't check her phone all this time. She was staring at his massage for some time. Suddenly her attention darted to Jungkook from Sehun. She was wondering about what surprise was he talking about. And she could understand through the massage that he was excited.

She thought that she will apologize to Sehun over a dinner. For now, she will meet Jungkook as she was already in front of the house.

After Jungkook closed the door for Miyeon, he heaved a deep sigh trying to calm himself down. He leaned his back and head on the door while closing his eyes. He had thought that he got over Miyeon a long time ago and he won't be affected by her anyhow.

Then suddenly he saw her today after all these times although he is not feeling the same heartache as he used to have whenever he missed her. Still, he was feeling a bit skeptical and weird feeling. Is it because of the impact of the past. He scolded himself mentally to act like a mature person, but he was a human too.

He too doesn't know what was happening to him. But the calling bell broke his trance of thoughts getting him back to reality. He opened the door and saw Lisa standing. Lisa was a bit surprised that how did he manage to open the door so quickly.

" Were you standing on the doorstep??", Lisa asked. She could see that Jungkook was looking a bit disturbed.

" Yes. I just bid adieu to a guest.", Jungkook replied. Lisa nodded recollecting the memory of a car to pass by her car before and entered inside. Jungkook closed the door thinking that he should also close the door of his past. His past, Miyeon just left. No, it will be wrong to say just.

She left from his life and heart a long time ago. And Lisa was his present and she will be his future too. So, he decided to pull himself together.

" Who was the guest Jungkook?", Lisa asked to the guy who walked toward her.

" An old friend of mine. Where had you gone?", Jungkook asked while pouring some tea in an empty glass.

" Uhmmm..Someone I know came to Korea from abroad, So I was at the airport.", Lisa said while feeling a bit nervous, also guilty for lying. Jungkook offered her the cup of tea.

" Take it. You must be tired.", Jungkook said. Lisa took it from him with a smile seeing his warm behavior.

" Jungkook, you said that you wanted to show me something. What is it?", Lisa asked and Jungkook remembered.

" OH, About that. Forget it, I'll give it to you later. I'll take some rest upstairs.", Jungkook said as he started walking toward the stairs. Lisa furrowed her brows being confused at his demeanor.

" What happened to this guy??", Lisa questioned. She was actually very curious about what was Jungkook wanting to show.

" This Jung banana won't mend his ways. Will he??", Lisa spouted feeling unfair. Jungkook thought that he will give her the necklace in another time when his heart will be feeling fine as well as mind. He planned to give it to her in a better timing and place.

~To Be continued...

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