Chapter 43: Manhunt

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Val: Yet here you are, living the dream, the nicest prison cell you can live in! 

Kai: Your own bed... even a desk... a toilet that can flush! No rusty doors anymore, but instead, nice doors, with a gap to give you things! 


Val: So, why do you want to kill yourself? 

I look in the mirror, to imitate them talking back to me. 

I look through the window, and nobody is around. 

Varus: Alright, it's just us.

Kai: So, why do you want to kill yourself? 

Varus: I miss my old life, I miss the days my split personality didn't exist, and that you voices weren't real. 

Val: Well, you're old, just wait for it to happen naturally! 

Varus: I'm afraid I'm unable to wait.

Kai: Please... just wait, I'm sensing you have a visitor. 

Val: What? Since when were you magical, our story is supposed to be down-to-earth!

Kai: What the fuck is Earth? 

Varus: Will you two shut up... alright, I'll wait, I miss Shurima... Icathia... I wish to be back in that open desert, with or without a gun. 


Guard: You have a couple visitors, old man.

Varus: Alright. 

Kai: 65... that's past the average for males getting a heart attack. 

Val: Oh, come on, we aren't that old! 

He doesn't cuff me; he knows I'm not trying to run away. 

To think I still had that young spirit in me. 

He walks me into the conference room. 

I sit down in the chair, clearing my throat. 

Two kids, wonder what they want.

Kai: That one is Y/N.

No it isn't.

He turns around, revealing it's Y/N, and her partner, who I don't remember. 

Val: What if that's Jinx, the girl that Jhin was in contact with? 

Oh, right, they knew each other! Makes sense they would come back. 


Varus: I know what you guys are here for now...

Y/N: Yeah... hello Varus. 

Varus: Y/N... hello.

Jinx: This is so awkward, where is Jhin? 

Varus: I don't know. 


Jinx looks over at him in concern, putting her hand on his. 

Guard: Varus, you playing with your niece and nephew nicely? 

Varus: Yes! Yes... the older one doesn't like teasing, relax! 

He scoffs, closing the door and locking it again. 

Varus: I don't know where he is, like... at all. Ever since that coot escaped, I told him I wouldn't follow him, worship him, we were done. That man is insane, unpredictable, you think you can find him? Good luck... he's really good at hiding, your military can attest to that. 

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