Chapter 39: Adjustment

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Y/N: Kai... did you do what I think you did...

Kai: W-well... I... hmmm...

Y/N: Kai... 

Kai: I heard you guys and... I couldn't resist. Y/N, you sound amazing when you're taking charge... and... Y/N...

She puts her hand on my chest, and I cover it. 

Kai: It's been so long... I need it... bad. 

Y/N: I love you Kai, we can do whatever you want tonight, because as of today, Ahri's time has just ran out. 

Ahri: My time has what? 

Y/N: AH!

She jump-scares me, sticking her head out of the door. 

Y/N: Your time has ran out today, Kai really needs me. 

Ahri: Awww... but I need cuddles! 

Y/N: But... ugh... 

This is the problem with having five girlfriends.


Ahri: Be right down! 

We walk down to the kitchen, and there are six amazing bowls of ramen on the counter, soy sauce eggs and all...


We chow down, or more... slurp down. 

Akali was going in, absolutely violating her ramen worse than a cartoon character. 

Like, she shoves her face in the bowl practically, and then half of it is gone when she comes back up. 

She's been fiending for some ramen it seems. 

We all have been... fiending for things... 

Holiday break is... almost over, which means I might be at the end of my school year. 

Ahri: So, is everyone all for it? 

Sera: Yep, dad accepts, he understands school is just holding me down now. 

Kai: The teacher can't teach me anything new... 

Kali: My bars will still stay... *SLURP!* <Fire.> 

Eve: Eh, I'm done being stared at by frat boys in the halls... it was amusing at first but... now I just want to skin them alive... *giggle* 

They all stop and look at me. 

Ahri: Boo?

Y/N: Yeah? 

Ahri: Do you... want to drop out? 

Y/N: What? No! I want to finish school so I can support the orphanage! 

Eve: The... Desert for Lost Roses, ran by Samira? 

Y/N: So that's what she named it to? She was talking to me about it... 

Ahri: In case you didn't know, we're the reason they have new beds, why they had a Christmas, and that the government doesn't need to breathe down her neck anymore. 

Y/N: Oh... 

Eve: It's almost like... someone forgot about them? 

Y/N: What? No! I would never forget about them! I talk to Samira once a week! It just... hurts to tell her the same thing... that... I'm still working on a job... I haven't talked to her since the beginning of break, I probably should. 

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