Chapter 1: Back

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As soon as I was ready, my first mission was afoot, dealing with the stragglers from Gang Four. 

They sent me, specifically, to infiltrate leftover hideouts in the more stable parts of the city. 

I have a fake alias, a fake passport, Khada Jhin, named after the Golden Demon that I took down. 

The enemies were stupid, they had no idea what hit them. 

???: Name? 

Y/N: Jhin...

I take out my handgun. 


Through the hole in the door, and it opens. 

I grab the rifle that he was using and make quick work, an AK-12. 



Shurima now, a group of thugs tackling Piltover caravans trying to trade amongst the people down here. 

???: So, Jhin, we don't know much about you. 

Y/N: What is there to know? 

???: How come you don't rob with us? 

Y/N: The fuck does that mean?

???: You aren't a snitch, are you? 

It's just me and him on this night, his mistake for being alone. 


I drag his body and hide it in the bed of the truck, under a tarp.

When his friends come back, I hope this threat will be enough to surrender. 

I hold up my hand, signaling the bush wookies to move in. 

Y/N whispers: Got my signal? 

Bushy: *Beep* Copy, I see two trucks coming, taking them out. 



Piltover, the big busing city of dreams, and money. 

A beautiful college campus, however, I was sent to finish "an impossible task". 

This task nearly killed me. 


I was shot in the chest with buckshot, luckily, I was wearing a vest, but it shattered two ribs and left permanent scars from the indents. 

I put two rounds of 9mm into him, that was enough... 

This last job was horrifying, because it was when things started to hit. 

Not physically, but mentally. 

As I aim down at the target, he tries to use his hextech invention, which is enough for me to put him down right away. 


I can still hear the echo from that shot... it was done... 

The price I pay for all those lives lost caught up to me... and I only started to notice when I went back home.


Darius: Y/N, what are you going to do when you get home? 

Y/N: Mmm... no idea. 

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