27. Tsunade- The Godaime Hokage!

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After going to the same hotel as last time, Naruto was able to catch Tsunade and the reunion had started like the last one had. The only difference was he wasn't a loudmouth irritating brat and Sasuke was at his side. Also, Orochimaru hadn't approached her about healing his hand. Ofcourse with how much he had damaged Orochimaru, he was sure the snake would have to change the body as soon as he reached Oto.

Jiraiya, Naruto and Sasuke joined Tsunade and Shizune for dinner. Like the last time around Jiraiya engaged Tsunade in drinking and went around talking. Tsunade, fed up with it asked what he really wanted. Jiraiya revealed his orders about bringing her to leaf to take the position of Hokage. Tsunade vehemently declined stating every Hokage had been a fool and those who desire to become so are same. It was enough for Naruto. He could understand how she felt after losing her brother and fiancé but that was just too much especially coming from someone older.

"I have less problem if you disrespect your own family, but I would ask you to not disrespect my father, Tsunade." Naruto said coldly.  

Tsunade in her drunken stupor sneered at Naruto "Oh, Minato's child, are you? Didn't think about you much, did he? Making his own son a jinchuriki."

"And there was a reason for that." Naruto replied.

"What was it? Maintaining balance of power among 5 major village. Doomed your life for that, didn't he?" Tsunade argued.

"Tsunade! /Tsunade-sama!" Jiraiya and Shizune admonished. 

"Not quite Tsunade. The first reason was to save my life. Being only Uzumaki in village, no one other than me could have held the nine tails. In addition to that, the man who was responsible for the nine-tails incident, would have come after me. To counter that, Dad altered the simple double 4-star seal of Uzumaki Mito and mother into 8 trigram seal, so that I could have power of nine tails in my corner when time came. To do that, he gave his soul to the Shinigami. If that is not a father's love for his child, I don't know what is." Naruto revealed.

Tsunade just grumbled and went back to help herself with more sake, ignoring Shizune's protests. 

"Naruto, are you sure that she is correct choice for Hokage?" Sasuke asked ignoring Tsunade's look of rage for insult.

"Yes, she is Sasuke. Not only she is of a great lineage hailing from family of two Hokage, she also is the greatest medical ninja since Hashirama-sama. She will be great asset to village." Naruto replied with Jiraiya nodding in agreement.

"Who are you to think if I am worthy or not? Some snot-nosed gennins?" Tsunade jeered.

"I was the apprentice of Hokage, Tsunade. The only reason I am not the Hokage, is because I haven't completed serving the village for 3 years. I will be eligible when I would be 16." Naruto replied, shocking Tsunade and Shizune.

He then continued looking at Tsunade "Why don't we make a bet?", earning Tsunade's attention resulting Shizune to groan.

"What bet?" Tsunade asked.

"We fight. If you win, I will buy all of your debts and you will be free to go wherever you want without any trouble from leaf. If I win, you will come to Konoha and take the Hat for at least 3 years, and more if you deem it so. What do you say?" Naruto tried to lure her.

"Fine brat. You have a deal!" Hook, line and sinker. Tsunade agreed to his terms.

Naruto at base was not quite as powerful as Tsunade currently, but with advantage of larger chakra reserves, better regeneration and wood style would be enough for her. Sage mode wasn't even needed to fight her. In addition to that, she probably would not be going all out. So, it wasn't going to be much of a challenge.

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