24. Death of the fire shadow

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Naruto had teleported back with Sasuke just in time to see Hiruzen falling down, his eyes loosing the light. Naruto looked around and saw edo tensei being dispelled, he recognised as Sasuke Sarutobi- sandaime's father and Biwako Sarutobi- sandaime's wife.

He looked towards Orochimaru whose both hands were useless and his Kusanagi sitting beside him. Naruto probably wouldn't have lost his cool after seeing the Sandaime die and Naruto was somewhat prepared for it as Sandaime was very old, and even since he knew about the invasion, he wanted to die protecting his village, that is to have the death of a warrior.

But when he saw Orochimaru revive the father and wife of the man he respected so much, to just torture him even at time of death, something within Naruto snapped. A thought rang in his mind that what is stopping Orichimaru to revive his family and use them against him. A wave of red hot anger burnt inside Naruto as the feral Kyubi chakra washed over him.

The kyubi chakra or the tailed mode, increases the power exponentially depending upon the base. In previous life time, Naruto wasn't much strong so even the Kyubi chakra couldn't increase his stats much, thus he lost to Sasuke. Ofcourse, he deflected his Rasengan so not to kill Sasuke but that was diffrent matter.

Currently with base Naruto already being strong, his power level rose exponentially with his 2 tail state. He rushed towards the Sound 4 and kicked them, which led to them flying out of the village breaking the gates.

"Roar!" Naruto roared and moved ferally, his goal to kill as much as he can before removing Orochimaru.

He did a punch motion, red chakra arm extending from his hand and hitting Orochimaru hardly below on his jaw, leading him to spit blood. He moved forward and punched his arm through Jiro, the weakest of Sound 4 when he tried to stop them.

This terrified other members of said group and they underwent the curse mark 2 form. But it was futile.

Before Tayuya can even touch her flute, it was destroyed and Naruto had already clawed through her throat.

The fox Bosses Kona and Koda had permission to dispell after taking care of snakes, but Gray and Oli were still present in Konoha. Feeling their master's chakra go erratic, they themselves became bloodthirsty. Naruto's anger transferred to them and they rushed towards him to take care of his opponents. In the way they absolutely tore through the Sound and sand ninjas alike finally reaching the gates.

They growled loudly and before anyone could do anything Gray had bitten off Sakon's head while Oli had done same to Ukkon.

They both snarled at Kidomaru, who was carrying Orochimaru. At the exact time Kabuto came to Orochimaru bringing Kimimaro Kaguya and a platoon of Sound shinobi as a backup.

The foxes and Naruto snarled and started tearing through the army stopping them from reaching Orochimaru and tearing him apart.

Naruto was stabbed by Kaguya through his abdomen with a bone sword. Sasuke wanted to move to help but was stopped by one of Naruto's clone.

"Boss is in pain. Let him go through with it. He can handle small things such as this."

Sasuke reluctantly nodded but was still on gaurd.

Naruto didn't even give much mind that he was stabbed. He took out the bone-sword, his puncture wound healing almost immidiately and stabbed Kimimaro through his mouth. He then punched him hard enough to send flying.

Gray and Oli both suddenly roared sending large amount of Wind and fire at the sound Ninjas, burning many of them to death. They again started to attack in feral manner killing the enemy ninjas with their claws and Fangs.

Kimminaro took out the bone he was stabbed it, his wounds healing due to activation of curse mark. "Drilling finger bullets!", he launched finger shaped bones in high velocity towards Naruto who dodged a few with his feral agility but was still hit by some. He growled in pain and looked at Kimmimaro in hatred. More of chakra started to wash through hum as one additional tail was added to his already 2-tailed state.

He concentrated his chakra and roared loudly. The shockwave destroying the trees nearby and flunging Kimmimaro to a distance. Naruto and Kimmimaro faced each other in Taijutsu. Well of you can say it so. Naruto was just punching, clawing and slashing irraticaly while Kimmimaro was growing bones at random places of his body to defend himself and sometimes trying to hit Naruto with weapons made up of his own bones.

Making an advantage of Kimimaro's slip in defence, Naruto slashed him across the chest and then punching him in succession. The kyubi chakra burning Kimmimaro's skin on contact.

Kimmimaro activated his cursed mark stage 2 which led him to cough violently. He concentrated last of his chakra and called "Shikotsumyaku: The dance of dead!", and a forest of bones started spreading from Kimimaro towards Naruto. Naruto growled loudly raising his arms and a large red colored Rasengan formed in his hands. He slammed it into the ground before him destroying Kimimaro's bones which were not as strong as they used to be in his prime due the illness. The foxes had also finished their enemies by now.

Naruto looked around and and saw no sign of Kabuto or Orochimaru and let a loud growl being joined by his foxes. Then the red chakra starts to recede and the foxes too calm down as a result. He looked at the pile of bodies and shook his head. He shouldn't have lost himself in anger. He looked at Sasuke and saw him nod. He returned it.

He dispelled the foxes and ask the nearby ANBU the aftermath of the battle. The answer was minimal loss of life from leaf but a good part of leaf is damage. He asked to immidiately call for Shikaku, Inoichi, Tsume and Hiashi.

After 20 minutes they arrived in the Hokage's office. Hiruzen's body was already collected and sent for preservation. Naruto was standing beside the Hokage's chair. He looked at the new arrivals and asked "Did you have contingency plans for this?"

Shikaku nodded in affirmation and relayed it to Naruto. Naruto scrunched his nose and dismissed it. It has lots of things that looked like was pulled by elders.

"I will be making some changes. Shikaku-sama, rather than the elder council, you will be taking the role of acting Hokage."

"Mendukse! Fine I will do it" Shikaku groaned.

"Tsume-sama, you will be keeping close eye on the elders. We don't want them revolting or pulling strings. They don't have much authority now, due to some of ammendments Hokage sama made during last phases of his leadership. It will be perfect time for them to regain their powers." Naruto said.

"Roger!" Tsume saluted.

"Hiashi-sama! Please see to the negotiations with sand. As we know, they themselves had been fooled by Orochimaru but it doesn't excuse the fact that they did take part in invasion. I will recommend holding the Sand siblings in house arrest while having Baki go and deal with the situation. I will be helping Sabakuno-Gaara with his jinchuriki seal. It will give us additional upper hand in negotiations."

Hiashi bowed his head as Naruto addressed the last one in room "Inoichi-sama, please look in matter of all the prisoners we have taken. They will also be very useful in negotiations. Other than that, go through the minds of prisoners from sound. If they are acceptable offer them to work for leaf. Not as shinobis but as workers. In that way they will be earning their keep and we wouldn't have to carry the load of prisoners. And if you find those who are irredeemable, take their lives. There is no need to keep the scum of world alive, so that they can keep making more troubles if they got chance. Though do that carefully. I don't want any of them facing the punishment for something they are not faulted for."

Inoichi nodded in agreement "What about the next Hokage? You are not yet 16 so you can't have the position."

"Tsunade-senju will be the Godaime Hokage. I will accompany Jiraiya to bring her back to leaf. She will also be helping in raising the economy and making the health sector of Konoha greatest once again." Naruto said.

He then left the office to Shikaku and went to find Sasuke. It was time Sasuke knew of Danzo's crime.

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