19. Waifu!

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Naruto felt someone watching him and sighed. He stretched his senses and it made him a bit guilty when he found out who the stalk...ahem watcher was.

Naruto had not reached to Hinata in last 6 years. He felt a bit guilty for neglecting the girl, he had started to gain feelings for in his past life, but he squashed it. Hinata was currently not the girl he felt in love with. She was afraid to face problems unlike the Hinata who had jumped between his incapacitated self and Pein, a Shinobi with moniker of God. She had fought for her love with fierceness of a tigress and was nearly successful in freeing him from the troublesome chakra disrupting rods of Pein.

It was a bit hypocrite of Naruto to dismiss Sakura and Hinata for not being their future selves while helping Sasuke to be better, but he had promised Sasuke before his trip in time, that he won't let him walk on the path of Darkness alone. Added with preparing his political base and training to be stronger then his past self, he had left Hinata behind. He can say that he didn't interact with Hinata in fear of her being targeted for assasination attempts but that would be bland. The civilians wouldn't dare to even look at the members of feared Hyuga clan in even a funny way, let alone the hieress who had a overprotective father, even if he was an hardass.

But he was going to correct his mistake now. He took a deep breath and shunsined behind her.

"Yo Hinata-chan! If you want to talk to me, you don't have to hide ya know." Naruto said leaning to the wooden wall with a charming smile on his face.

"Eeep!" Hinata went red faced and fainted.

"Ah! That's going to be a problem." Naruto mused while scratching the back of his head.

Few minutes later Hinata woke up to find herself leaning against a tree. She blushed as she remembered what had happened. She looked around and saw Naruto sitting and eating a bowl of ramen.

Her eyes widened as she saw an envelope of cinnamon rolls at her side. Her mouth started watering at seeing her favourite treat. She started to devour them until she heard chuckling.

She blushed as she remembered Naruto was also present. She felt like she was going to faint again.

"H-Hey don't faint on me again Hinata-Chan! Don't worry, who am I to judge when I am no diffrent when it comes to ramen." Naruto assured.

Hinata regained some of her composure but started to eat her treat with grace of clan hieress.

"Hinata-Chan! I want to talk to you about something and it's a bit serious." Naruto said gaining Hinata's attention.

He took a long breath "I know about your feelings towards me."

This sent Hinata into panick, but Naruto stopped her from answering "Please listen to me. I am not offended, how can I? I don't know if any straight male and even some females would be offended. You are beautiful, smart, strong and even though you have excess of kindness for a shinobi, I know it is your defining trait not demeaning. To say the truth I also harbour feelings for you."

Hinata was shocked at hearing her crush compliment her and admit his feelings of affection for her.

"But, there was reasons I didn't approach you. I don't know if you will want to be with me after hearing them." Naruto said, as he had decided to have multiple spouces. He had planned to have political marraiges with Terumi Mei and Kurotsuchi, to strengthen the alliance he was going to form with them. He knew the fence sitter Onoki would be difficult, but he had contingency planned for it. He had a crush on hot and sexy Godaime Mizukage and found the future Tsuchikage Kurotsuchi, Onoki's grand daughter to be very appealing.

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