14. The Written Exam

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Team 7 felt large dose of killing intent as they entered the place where all genins were situated. Other than Sakura, who was bit shaken up no one even reacted to the KI that was weak compared to that of Zabuza.

Ino jumped onto Sasuke as soon as he entered shouting his name. Sasuke just replaced himself with Shikamaru who was dozing off into the corner.

Shikamaru felt the disturbance and opened his eye to see Ino rubbing her cheeks to himself amd let out a "Troublesome".

Sakura and Ino started to biker with each other, when Team 8 made their presence known. Naruto completly ignored the cocky Kiba while smiling gently at Hinata and nodding to Shino.
Sasuke on the other hand had no such compunction. He taunted Kiba about not able to back up his words by his actions.

Ofcourse this was interrupted by a white haired Konoha shinobi wearing glasses. Naruto almost growled at Kabuto. He may have redeemed himself after the war by opening an orphanage to honour his adoptive mother Nono, but Naruto would never forget he was the reason behind so many shinobis loosing their life to Edo-tensei.

"Stop acting like schoolgirls. You aren't here for a picnic." Kabuto announced.

"And who are you to say that?" Kiba asked heatedly with Ino nodding in support.

"I am Yakushi Kabuto and I am veteran of chunnin exams. I have some informations which I thought would help you, seeing as once I was also in same position where you are." Kabuto then took out his information cards to explain them about composition of Gennin from diffrent countries.

"So do you have information about indivisuals?" Shikamaru asked.

"Of course I have." Kabuto replied in positive.

"Troublesome, what can you tell us about Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke." Shikamaru followed leading Naruto to raise his eyebrow at Shikamaru.

Sasuke ignored it and added "Add Sabaku no Gaara in the list."

Kabuto took out a card and channeled chakra into it "Uchiha Sasuke was the rookie of the year of last batch of gennins. He is said to be above than adequate in all three main shinobi vices, Taijutsu, Genjutsu and Ninjutsu. He is reported to be low jounin level in Taijutsu and Genjutsu while shows elite jounin level of skills in Katon ninjutsu. He have completed 25 D rank missions and 1 S-rank mission, which was marked S-rank due to hostile presence of two A rank missing nins, Zabuza and Raiga Kurosaki. Sasuke fought Zabuza's student in the mission, who was said to be stronger than Zabuza, and killed him while loosing one of his sharingan to him."

The gennins in the room averted their eyes from Sasuke after hearing the information, while a smug smirk found it's way to Sasuke's face.

Kabuto then took out other card and started to read "Uzumaki Naruto, was one of the higher ranked students in academy, though said to fail the gennin exam due to unable to make a bunshin. The same day, he apprehended a traitor of the leaf and learned Kage-bunshin, an advanced version of bunshin that takes non existent chakra control and was made a gennin. He has better Stats than Sasuke in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu while genjutsu is stated to be his weak point. He is reported to be able to use all five change in chakra nature. He is also a known political figure of hidden leaf. He had completed 230 D-ranks, 205 were done before graduation; 10 C rank hunting missions in forest of death also done before graduation and 1- S rank mission with his team. He also killed Raiga Kurosaki, one of ex-loyal seven swordsman of mist, on his last mission."

Everyone was even more wary of team 7 then they were before after learning they had such strong gennins in the team.

"Sabaku no Gaara, one of Kazekage's children. He is reported to have Jiton (magnet release) kekkei genkai, that enables him to control Sand. He have done 20 C rank, 5 solo B rank and 1 A rank mission. Though the rumour is he imhas never been hurt in any of these." Kabuto finished.

He then proceeded to disrespect the sound village gennins who retaliated with attacking Kabuto. Before the matter could accelerate, a man with rough face and bandana tied over his head appeared in the room and ordered everyone to take their seat.

He then explained the test to everyone and rules about cheating.

Naruto looked at the questions and sighed. He knew the answers as he had to study after the war so that Kakashi could promote him to Jounin. He answered each of questions correctly mentally smirking as he equalled the record of getting highest possible mark in chunnin exams that was set by his his father. Yeah, it was practically cheating but who cares, afterall the motive of the exam was to cheat. The proctor will be getting shocked as not even the chunnins who were installed in the exam to be cheated from knew all the answers.

Sasuke like last time used his sharingan to copy hand movements of the chunnins. Sakura used her brains to answer as many questions as she could. He looked to his right and saw Hinata had activated her byakugan and was copying the answers from one of the other chunnin.

Shikamaru knew some of the answers which needed logical reasoning and used Shadow Imitation technique to make Choji write the correct answer. While, Ino just used the mind transfer technique on Sakura and saw her answers.

Akamaru was sitting on Kiba's head telling answers he saw from neighbour's sheet to Kiba, while Shino's insect moved around the class to look for answers.

Neji similar to Hinata had his byakugan on and was answering the questions. Tenten used mirrors for her and Rock Lee to see the reflection of Neji's paper.

Gaara had formed his sand eye and was copying the answer. Kankuro asked about going to washroom with proctor and returned while handing a sheet to Temari.

Ibiki had caught him and taunted him about playing with dolls. Many of the gennins were also dismissed due to getting caught more than 5 times.

Ibiki then proposed the 10th question, warning that if the answer would be wrong, they will never promote to chunnin.

Nearly half of the class left because, like last time Naruto didn't interrupt Ibiki. When he saw Hinata hesitating and saw that she started to raise her hand, he grabbed her hand and smiled at her leading her to get an atomic blush.

Ibiki finally called the exam over and explained to students what the test was about. But before he explanation ended, someone bowled in breaking the window. That someone was Anko Mitarashi and she was proctor of 2nd exam. She gave the students order to follow her an left through the window.

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