11. Cleaning the Wave

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Naruto was prooven correct as Gato arrived with his thugs moments after Zabuza was dealt with.

"Look at him. The Demon of the mist. How pathetic. And the other one is also dead sewing the brat is here. I think all mist shinobis are pathetic. Now go, kill them and leave the pink haired alive." Gato finished with sickening smile.

"Naruto, I have already exhausted my chakra and Sasuke is down. Sakura isn't ready to face them. We have to retreat." Kakashi informed.

"We can't sensei. Gato will succeed in breaking the Wave's will if we do that. And anyways, I have enough chakra left to deal with these annoyances.

Naruto formed his signature hand seals and 9 clones formed beside him.

"Sigh! I hope Tazuna doesn't mind collateral damage." Naruto shook his head.

The first clone and Naruto simultaneously went through Hand seals "Fuuton: Senpuha (wind style: whirlwind wave)/ Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (fire style: fireball technique)", a spiraling enhanced ball of fire launched at Gato and the thugs.

The other clones also made total 4 pairs. The 1st pair launched the combination of Suiton: Suisoha (water style: water shockwave) and Raiton: Raikyu (lightning style: lightning balls) to launch shockwave of electrified water at them.

The 2nd pair of clones launched Katon: karyuudan (fire style: dragon flame bullet) and fuuton: fusajin no jutsu (wind style: dust cloud technique), to send explosion of inflammable dust coming in contact with fire towards the enemies.

The 3rd pair of clones launched combination of Doton: Ganchuusou no jutsu (Earth style: stone spike technique) and Raiton: Jibashi (lightning style: electromagnetic murder) to send multiple electrified spikes towards them.

The last pair of clones went with largest attack combination of Raiton: Rairyuudan (Lightning style: lightning dragon bullet) and Suiton: suiryuudan (water style: water dragon bullet), which combined with each other and grew in size.

The blue dragon with one eye yellow and other red, and purple electricity coursing around it, smashed into the enemies, completly killing Gato along with his thugs.

It was the scene on which Inari and other citizens of wave arrived, which later led them to declare Naruto as hero of the Wave.

Kakashi was wide eyed. Naruto have shown jounin level skills throughout the mission. He went about everything happened -Demon brothers ambushing them, Zabuza attacking them, Fake hunter nin rescuing Zabuza, Raiga Kurosaki, Haku who Zabuza said had already surpassed him. It was going to be a headache when he reported it to Hokage.

Naruto meanwhile discretly sealed the Kubikiribocho inside the scroll and sent his clones for proper burial of Zabuza and Haku. They had after all helped in giving him his nindo in last life. Thinking about battered body of their sensei, damaged eye of Sasuke and Dead bodies of Zabuza and Haku, who he wanted to save this time around led him to realise he was not a God and his knowledge of future wasn't exact. He shook his head and approached his sensei.

"Sensei, prepare Sasuke for operation and implant my left eye into his." Naruto said.

"W-what?" Kakashi took a double take.

"You heard what I said sensei. You know I will regenerate it anyway. It won't be the first time." Naruto offered nonchalantly.

Kakashi winced at the memory. Naruto had not ever been physicaly abused, just the ignoring and calling out names was enough for People of leaf. Though when he was four, and the orphangage had thrown him out, he was caught by group of drunk civilian and shinobis. They physically beat him for the first time, breaking his limbs and puncturing one of his eye. It was also last straw for Sandaime. He ordered execution of anyone who would physically attack Naruto. Kakashi, Yugao, Genma, Raido and Iwashi were all happy to follow out the orders of Sandaime.

Naruto had recovered from the attack physically in a week, with his eye regenerating and limbs mending faster than what could be consider normal out of Tsunade, kabuto and Hashirama.

Kakashi sighed and accepted Naruto's insight. Kakashi knocked hum out and operates both of them to transfer Naruto's left eye to Sasuke.

The very next day Sasuke woke up, nearly reganing all his chakra. Naruto had trained Sasuke to chakra exhaustion numerous time, so his body could regenrate it faster. He woke up and felt bandages over his eye, that he remembered loosing. He sighed and tried to forget about it. He then looked at Naruto who had similar wrapping on his left eye too, sitting on his own bed and reading orange book that was no doubt the same smut Kakashi use to read.

"Naruto" Sasuke said gaining his attention "How were you injured? You didn't come to bridge."

"Yes, Gato had hired Raiga Kurosuki, one of the ex-loyal seven swordsman of the mist to kidnap Tsunami and Inari. It took time to fight him, and that's what kept me from bridge. As for injury, I didn't get injured or something. I just had Kakashi sensei implant my left eye into yours socket." Naruto answered nonchalantly as if it was no big deal.

"WHAT...why would you do that? Wont it effect your career?" Sasuke questioned.

"Don't sweat it. It will regenerate." Naruto waved him off.

"Oh...  the Kyubi." Sasuke asked. Naruto had told him about kyubi after Sasuke had asked why did villagers seemed to hate him. He had told him truth about being Kyubi jinchuriki and his parents. Ofcourse it only helped Sasuke confirm, most of Konoha was fool and shallow. He knew the moment it will get out Yondaime is Naruto's father, they will start worshipping the ground he walks on like they hadn't been ignoring his existence until then.

Naruto just nodded in positive as he remembered the fox waking up. Naruto had given Kurama access to his memories from the future but the fox still wasn't willing to fully trust him, specially with the 'Mokuton', that reminded him of his second most hated enemy- Hashirama. Naruto also  wasn't willing to back off and promised Kurama that he will regain his trust and partnership back and open the seal as soon as possible.

"Leave those things behind. Tell me how are you feeling. Afterall you defeated Haku, who Zabuza accepted was stronger than him." Naruto asked.

Sasuke sighed "I wasn't strong enough. If I didn't have my Sharingan, I would have died. I tricked him with genjutsu, imbolising him for few moments and attacked with shuriken-Ryuka combo. None of my attacks were heavy hitting enough to break out of the mirror. I have to improve that."

Naruto nodded "It's good you see the faults and I will help you in growing strong as I promised. But you won and accept that. In shinobi world win is a win. Deception is Shinobi's greatest tool. Don't forget that.

With these words, Naruto left Sasuke to himself.
After a day or Two, Sasuke opened the bandages and saw blue eye similar to Naruto instead of charcoal black eyes of Uchiha. The vision was perfect and he had no difficulty in eyeball movement. He channeled his chakra into it but other than increasing it's visibility nothing happened. Sasuke sighed. He sure lost one of his sharingan but was greatful for what Naruto did for him.

Naruto's eye had also regenerated within days. Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi were celebrated as Heros of the wave. Even Sakura got some attention. But after celebrations were over, Team 7 left for leaf.

Similar to last time, the bridge was named 'The Great Uzumaki Naruto Bridge'.

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