Chapter Sixty Four

Comincia dall'inizio

"Can't you do anything?" I asked, still keeping my eyes closed. "Please, help us."

A soft touch on my cheek had me fluttering my eyes open. Alpha Alessandro was sitting next to me, his warm fingers grazing my cheeks. "I have tried to help you."

"What about Cami?" I whispered, not breaking eye contact.

Alpha Alessandro shook his head. "I can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped."

Without warning, a tear ran down my face causing Alpha Alessandro to wipe it away. "She's just confused, she's been through a lot. If you can do something to help her, please do it."

"I admire your fierce loyalty to your sister." He paused before adding something so quietly that I almost didn't hear it. "You would have made a good Luna."

I wish I didn't hear what he had said, I knew what a Luna was and hearing him say those words made my heart clench in sadness.

"Why don't you want me?"

Alpha Alessandro's fingers were still stroking my cheeks. "Wanting you has never been the problem. I wanted you the moment I heard your voice."

"I don't mean in that way, I mean why don't you want me as your mate?" My voice sounded weak and fragile.

Instead of answering my question, Alpha Alessandro's body posture changed and he dropped his hand from my face. "Don't tell the full truth."


"When you are being question by my father, do not tell the truth. If your sister wants to confess her crimes, let her. Don't confess your crimes. Do you understand?" His voice was filled with urgency as his eyes bore deep into mine.

"You want me to let Cami take the fall for this? Just Cami?" I asked, my voice filled with shock.

"She isn't taking the fall for anything, she did it, not you. You had no idea what happened, your sister did it all."

"No-no." I stood up from the sofa and shook my head. "I'm not going to let my little sister take the blame for it all. I'm not doing that."

How could I stand there and watch her do that? How could he expect me to do that? I would always help her, no matter what.

"If you tell the truth, you will be punished too."

Would my punishment be death as well?

"Do something then." I begged him. "I can't lose my sister. Please I will do whatever you want, just do something to help her."

"Fine." Alpha Alessandro told me. "I will ask for a lenient sentence."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Without thinking, I launched myself at Alpha Alessandro and wrapped my arms around him.

The gesture took him by surprise, however, it wasn't long before he wrapped his arms around me.

The feeling of his big, strong arms around me did something to my heart and body. It made me Neither of us pulled apart, we stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's warmth and body.

As our bodies remained entwined, I began to imagine what it would have been like if we had met under different circumstances. I was very adamant that I would not have wanted him, would not have craved him, would not have needed him. Yet as we embraced each other I wondered if I had been honest with myself.

"If we had met under different circumstances." I began to say in his ears. "I think...I think I would have wanted you."

His body tensed underneath me but he didn't let go or respond.

"Not sexually." I clarified, though I would have and did want him in that way. "I would have wanted to be your mate, your Luna."

Was I crazy for wanting him? Was I crazy for telling him that I would have wanted him?

This time Alpha Alessandro did pull away though his arms still remained around me. "My mate. My Luna."

I gave him a sad smile and wondered whether he would have wanted me too if things had been different.

"My mate, my Luna." His hands wrapped around my hair and he tugged me close to him.

He began to nuzzle the side of my neck, causing tingles to run amok through my body. I leaned my head back, allowing him to gain better access.

The nuzzling changed to small kisses and I let out a moan, enjoying the sensations he was giving me. I copied his earlier action and ran my hands through his hair, pulling him even closer to me if that was possible.

"My mate, my Luna." Something about the change in his voice and tone should have raised an alarm but I was enjoying myself too much to notice.

The small kisses he was peppering on my neck stopped and instead I felt something sharp beginning to skim my neck.

"My mate, my Luna." He growled out.

And then all I felt was pain.


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter

Was anyone expecting that to happen?! 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

I will upload again in a few days but you can read the full story on or on my subscription page on

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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