"He does."

"Really? I didn't know lying to someone since the day you met them was considered caring."

"How do you know about that?"

"Your father told me everything."

"And what exactly was my father's goal in hiring you to break into my house?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. All I did know, was that it lead me to you. And I have to say... you're more beautiful than I thought you'd be. No wonder Dabi took on the job. Him getting to fuck you is probably the only time I've ever been jealous of him."

Is this guy seriously trying to flirt with me?

"That's why it's such a shame."

"What is?"

"Having to hurt a pretty girl like you. Although... maybe I don't have to."

What's he talking about?

"There are a few things I could do with you. I could hurt you, ultimately killing you, and deliver your corpse to Dabi, or..." He grabs my throat directly under my jaw, "I could fake your death. Then keep you all to myself. Make you part of my crew. My girlfriend. That would probably kill him more than actually killing you."

I scoff, "I would never."

"You don't have much of a choice, darlin'."

Dabi will be here. I know he will. He'll save me. He has to.

In the mean time, I just need to remain calm. If I lash out in any way, it'd only do more harm than good. Maybe I can try and get on his good side.

"Well, if you plan on holding me hostage for the rest of my life, you could at least give me a comfier room. And not keep me chained to a fucking chair for christ sake."

He snickers, "You're a fiesty one. I admire your boldness. But, as you wish." He walks around to the back side of the chair and unlocks the chains, freeing my wrists for only a moment.

I could try and make a run for it, but that would probably be really fucking stupid. I have no idea what lies outside of this room, and I'm not strong enough to fight against him.

He grabs me by my arm and pulls me up from the chair, then suddenly handcuffs my wrists back together in front of my body.

"Seriously? You're still handcuffing me?"

"Until I put you in the room, yes. Let's go."

He lead me out of the room and through the maze of hallways and stairwells, but I hadn't seen a single other person this whole time.

The place was really nice, actually. It was gigantic.

This is... weird.

We finally reach a large, solid wooden door and he opens it, leading me inside to the fancy bedroom.

"This good enough for your liking?"

I don't say anything in response, but look away from him instead. He takes my hands as he begins unlocking the handcuffs, "I'm not a monster, Akira. I don't want to hurt you. That's not my goal. But if I have to in order to achieve my goal, then I will."

He was being so... gentle, with me. He wasn't forcefully dragging me to the room, and even just now when taking the handcuffs off... he was gentle.

He was an attractive guy, to say the least. He had a large scar slashed down the one side of his face, and piercings all around. His hair went down just below his collarbones, and it was black with streaks of dark blue. He couldn't have been much older than Dabi.

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