Broken Family

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Selena was now in the nurse's office getting checked. Ralph, Jack, and Miko were all outside and were both worried and terrified. 

They didn't know what to do!

Should they call their guardians? Call Ratchet? Call Jack's mom? Or call Prime?!

"Sweetie, where does it hurt?" The nurse asks Selena.

Selena touches her womb and soon hears the nurse gasp. She looks at the nurse and sees how she's quick to start dialing her phone and getting some towels. Selena looks down and it is then she sees blood. Selena starts crying hysterically instantly worrying her friends outside.

"Shhh, shhh don't worry little one soon you'll be safe." The nurse says trying to comfort the poor girl.

Selena screams and starts to sob fearing and knowing the unimaginable.

The nurse tries to comfort her to no avail. 

All Selena could do was cry as she was slowly losing her child.

This just couldn't be happening. She couldn't believe it. Just a day ago she was in the Decepticon ship and finding out she was pregnant. Now, she's going through a miscarriage after an ex-friend of hers hit her. 

Selena held onto the towels as she feels the terrible pain.


She just laid there.

She just lay on the hospital bed, as the doctor clearly tells her parents the news. Just a few days ago she was in the hospital after a car crash and now she was here after losing her baby.

She hears her father scream and curse at the news and call her many names she's heard before: 

"Whore" "Slut" "Prostitute" and "Bitch" But there were two he had never told her "Skank" and "Cunt"

All she wanted was some comfort but she knew her parents wouldn't give that to her. That was the #1 thing they never gave her.

She hears her mom call for her father but hears as she's met with his loud screaming.


Selena cries at her father's comment. I had been years since she had last cried at a comment he last said. The last time she cried at his comments was in the 7th grade. She had failed a test by only 1 QUESTION! She remembers how her father compared, insulted, and even hit her. All-cause of one question.

She hears the door open and some heels, it was obviously her mother. She turned to her and saw her.

Like always her mother stood tall and proud. No matter what she never looked ashamed or anything. Her ego is far too big to let go. 

There she stood with her hair up in a bun, her usual makeup, her white blouse with some gold jewelry, and her huge ass purse. Big enough to shove a puppy inside.

"You little bitch." She says before laughing.

"I have done so much for you! You know that, right?" 

Her mother puts down her purse and walks up to Selena with a smirk but with hateful eyes. She smacks her lips and crosses her arms.

"You will be taken to an academy." Her mother says taking out her phone. 


"Tomorrow, you will go to the 'Sister's Marlin Academy for girls'."

"I-I just lost my baby," Selena says sitting upright.

"Why do you think I'm going to take you to a nun school? I rather you be one than be out here having a dozen kids with every boy in town."

Selena cries and holds onto her pillow.

"Whose the damn father? Is it that boyfriend of yours?"

"Noah and I broke up."

"Ohh, what a shame. He kept me quite entertained." Her mother says laughing.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Selena says glaring at her mother.

"Oh, I really raised a dumb child." Her mother says turning her eyes.

"Let's just say he bought all those flowers, teddy bears, and expensive shit 'cause he loves a woman who knows what she's doing."

Selena grabs her mother's purse and throws it at her.


"LITTLE WHAT?! You act as if you're better than me when in reality you're worse."

Selena's mother raises her hand about to hit her, however, just then June enters.

"Get out, right now."

"No! You get out! I bet it was your son! Your piece of shit of a son got my daughter pregn-" Just then June slaps Selena's mother, instantly shutting her up.

"Get out now!" June yells at her.

Her mother grits her teeth and takes her bag.

"If you don't go tomorrow then I will kick you out."

Before Selena can say anything June interferes.

"Do it. I'll go pick up her stuff. She has a actual home where to stay."

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