Crumbling down

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She was surprised.

Surprised she got her makeup done, surprised she didn't put on sweatpants. I mean it was a SATURDAY!

She walked to the kitchen and sits as her mother hands her breakfast.

"How was the party?" Her mother asks her.


"Explains tu pinche arrival." Her father tells Selena before looking at the newspaper

 "Ay don't start!" Her mother tells her father.

"I know you enjoyed Simon's party, but I meant Miko's."

At that moment Selena chokes on a sausage and as she spits it out that's when it hits her.

"Shit!" She gets up and dashes to her room and to her horror, she finds the guitar with the note and all!

"No! No! NO!" She yells scrambling to go through her posts. A bunch of pics, videos, stories, and worst of all her friends saw them. A bunch of messages, which instantly break her heart.


-Dude you coming?

20 minutes later

-The bots and Miko are asking about you. Are you coming?

59 minutes later

-R u coming or what dude?! We already cut the cake.

*Jack responds to your story*



"D-DAD CAN I TAKE YOUR CAR?!" She yells out.

At Miko's place

Selena got off the car and knocked on the door, Miko's host parents open the door and welcome her.

"She's up in her room." Her host mom tells her with a huge smile.

"Thanks." Selena says before dashing to Miko's bedroom.

She knocks on the door and hears sniffing. Soon the door is open and she finds a red-eyed Miko.

"G-God, M-Miko. I-I'm so s-so-"

"Save it! I was so excited to see you! When you didn't show up I thought that you must be busy. First, you completely ignore us, leave us on read, and now this?!" Miko tells her with tears flowing down.

"M-Miko I c-"

"Can explain? Yeah right!" Miko scoffs and looks at the box.

"Leave. I don't want anything from you."

Tears flow down Selena's eyes as she tries to hug her friend only to be pushed.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You're no longer part of the team. Optimus and everyone else no longer consider you a member of the team." Miko grits her teeth and slams her door. 

Selena sniffs and leaves the box, before exiting her friend's home. 

A few months ago she was welcomed into a family, falls in love, and now she's kicked out. When driving she's still going over every memory. Tears fill her eyes as she realizes she fucked up big time. All for what? All cause the man or rather bot she thought loved her ignored her?

She stops at the stop sign as soon as she sees no cars she steps on the accelerator. More tears flow down and it isn't till she wipes them off that she sees the speeding car. Before she can react it hits her and she screams as she feels being turned around. Her world rolls around and soon hits her head with the wheel. 

She doesn't know why, but even though everything went dark, she thinks about what her grandma once told her. 

"Just as a life begins it instantly ends. 

Every new change you make is a new life.  So you're basically instantly ending a life, right? Every choice and change you make, you walk down a path or you take a detour. You either follow the path or you make your own path."

She remembers her grandma comforting her after being shouted ir hit by her father. Sometimes they would go and take some walks. Each night she was scared of the bogeyman and her grandma promised to be there. 

"I'll be here when you wake up. I'll be your guardian angel and beat the bogeyman."

And sure thing she would wake up and her grandma would be there. Smiling and always had her hair down. 

She opens her eyes and sees her grandma. Her long grey hair flowed down and she had a huge smile, like always. Her hand holding Selena's and tears were flowing down. The last time she had seen the smile was when her grandma laid on her deathbed and held her hand and said her final goodbyes.

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