Chapter 77

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This was Chi Shuo's second time marking Ye Shaoyang.

Because he was tense and nervous, the process of forming the mark was slower and longer this time.

The glands at the nape were the most delicate part of an omega's body. A bite that was too fierce would be prone to leaving behind a wound that wouldn't heal easily. It would cause a lot of pain for the omega as well. But biting too gently would leave a mark that lost its effectiveness too easily.

So, it was actually very difficult to get a handle on how to leave an appropriate temporary mark.

Chi Shuo followed what he remembered learning in physiology classes and first used his teeth to lightly pierce the edges of the omega's glands. When he saw that Ye Shaoyang didn't cry out in pain, he finally bit down on the soft, tender heart of the glands and started to slowly pump his own pheromones inside.


A familiar sensation rose, like an electric current shooting through Ye Shaoyang's whole body. A strange aching numbness climbed from his tailbone to the very top of his head. Ye Shaoyang's whole frame shuddered lightly. He grabbed onto the couch tightly with both hands.

Chi Shuo's pheromones filled him up, like a clear flowing stream of spring water running through his veins and gradually suppressing the scorching heat in his body. This feeling was even more refreshing than eating ice cream on a blazingly hot summer day.

Ye Shaoyang closed his eyes in comfort and hung his head a little lower, making it more convenient for Chi Shuo to bite.

Chi Shuo's ears were burning fiercely. Their pheromones intertwined slowly. His lips were pressed to Ye Shaoyang's pale nape, where he could distinctly feel the warmth of the omega's skin.

The instant he bite through Ye Shaoyang's glands, Chi Shuo tasted a hint of a familiar sweetness...

This type of taste could truly captivate a person.

No wonder physiology classes had said that alphas would feel a strong sense of possessiveness towards the omegas they marked.

Could he possibly let any other alpha have Ye Shaoyang like this?

They'd better not even think about touching him.

The color in Chi Shuo's eyes deepened. He increased the strength of his bite on Ye Shaoyang's glands, making his mark sink in a little deeper.

Ye Shaoyang comfortably let his eyes slide shut. In his mind, he silently thought that the a/b/o world was so mystifying. A temporary mark, a bite, could make his neck feel this good? Compared to injecting suppressants directly into his veins, receiving a bite on his throat seemed far more convenient.

As Chi Shuo's pheromones flowed into him, Ye Shaoyang felt that the heat and restlessness in his own body were fully suppressed.

The relief that swept through his whole body made him feel like a thoroughly exhausted man who had finally gotten a good night's rest. He felt as though he had been completely re-energized after waking from a deep sleep. His body had regained its strength and vitality.

Chi Shuo's pheromones were very strong after all. Ye Shaoyang's pheromone value dropped back down to 3.5.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the monitoring device and called out, "Captain Chi, that's enough."

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