Chapter 85

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The next day, Tianhuan's players flew back to the capital city together.

Chen Feiyun from Whale Streaming sent a message: [Hello, Coach Lin. Our platform has made all the preparations. We can make an official announcement for Team Tianhuan at any time. May I ask when your players will have time to host a little stream?]

Coach Lin checked the tournament schedule—Tianhuan's next match was next Friday. They would be going up against Team BOB, a low-ranked team in Group B. Their schedule was fairly light for the time being.

Coach Lin gave a quick response to Whale Streaming's invitation, setting a streaming time of around eight to midnight on the night of January 25th.

According to their contract with Whale Streaming, Tianhuan's players had to stream for at least thirty hours every month. They would only receive a payout from viewer gifts after satisfying that condition. When they weren't too busy with official games, players would be asked to find some time to stream as a way of unwinding a little.

On January 25th, Whale Streaming flooded their whole platform for promotional ads for Tianhuan's stream. Tianhuan's official promo banner flew across the app's home page. On every page of the site, an announcement could be seen—

Team Tianhuan, live at 20:00 on January 25th.

The streaming rooms of all five players could be found on a list of [Team Tianhuan] streamers. Viewers could click into their channels from there.

Ye Shaoyang's streaming room had also been renamed 'Tianhuan-Lieyang (Xiao Bai)'.

At dinnertime, the streams had yet to go live, but many viewers were already camping out in the streaming rooms.

Chi Shuo's room was the most popular one; Captain Chi only streamed once in a very rare while, after all. Millions of fans flooded in from his Weibo page, creating an almost shocking amount of traffic.

The second most popular room was Ye Shaoyang's. Xiao Bai's streaming room had a few million followers to begin with, and now he'd just taken a pentakill. He was currently the most hotly discussed player in the league, so quite a few passersby also scurried over to check out his first stream under his new name.

At 19:50 that night, Tianhuan's starting lineup got online.

They didn't have any training planned for the night, so the players weren't actually in their training room. They were all streaming from their own dorm rooms.

Ye Shaoyang placed Xiao Bai on the couch in his room. Many people who were viewing his stream for the first time were baffled.

[Why is it a cat?]

[Kitty, kitty! You're so sweet! But I want to see little Lieyang gege!]

Immediately, some people started to explain to the newcomers.

[This is Xiao Bai, the cat your little Lieyang gege is raising!]

[Newcomers, take note of this. All the matches you're about to see are played by this cat!]

[This cat is even better at games than you humans. I'm telling you right now, he's actually a cat spirit. It was also this cat that got that pentakill.]

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