Chapter 80

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The Gods War pro league had a lot of sponsors. As a result, the Chinese division was able to construct a sporting venue in four major cities across the country—one each in the north, east, south, and west. This made it more convenient for fans to watch a game near their home, and it made it easier for sponsors to create ads as well.

Tianhuan's first game against NTG was set to take place in Glacier City, the sprawling capital of a large province.

The coaches, team coordinators, and players arrived two days in advance so that they could acclimatize to the environment in Glacier City.

This was an icy city where the average temperature was eight degrees lower than the temperature in the nation's capital. In January, it was still winter there. The whole city was wrapped up in silvery ice and snow. Ice sculptures stood on every street. Cheng Xing, who was visiting Glacier City for the first time, spent the whole trip from the airport to the hotel with his cell phone out, taking pictures of the snowy landscape.

That week, four matches were scheduled to take place at the arena in Glacier City.

The league asked all eight teams participating in those matches to stay in the same hotel, which was an official partner of the league. That made it easier to keep an eye on everything.

The hotel was very nice. Each team was allocated a certain number of two-person rooms. Alphas and omegas couldn't live together, so the lead coordinator Tang Can very thoughtfully organized a single room for Ye Shaoyang, so that he could stay by himself.

Ye Shaoyang was also visiting this city for the first time, and the designs of the buildings were quite unique. However, he didn't have any interest in going out for a random wander through the streets. He stayed put and went to sleep like a good boy, concentrating on preparing for the game on the 24th.

On January 24th, Glacier City experienced a huge snowstorm. The temperature plummeted to negative twenty degrees.

All of Tianhuan's players put on a thick down coat over their usual team uniforms. When they reached the venue, the stands were already filled with quite a lot of people. Although the seats weren't full, like they would be for playoffs games, more than fifty percent of the seats were occupied—which exceeded Ye Shaoyang's expectations.

“It's so cold, and this is just a regular season match between teams from Group B. I didn't think there'd be so many people in the audience?” Ye Shaoyang said to the coach while taking off his down jacket, since the stadium was heated inside.

Coach Lin smiled and said, “There are lots of spectators who aren't fans of a specific team. They purely enjoy watching esports. There are lots of loud trolls online, but in reality, the fans who silently come to watch games and support the league are the majority.”

Ye Shaoyang nodded. “That's true.”

He hung up his down jacket in the closet in the players' lounge, then turned back to Coach Lin with a smile. “Coach, don't pay any attention to those online comments that are dissing you. I actually know that you've drawn all the pressure to yourself. This way, there won't be too many people insulting me. They're all firing away at the coaches.”

Coach Lin turned back to look at Ye Shaoyang, meeting a pair of bright eyes.

He seemed to understand everything.

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