Chapter 55

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Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo played from 7:40 to 9:40 in the morning. They used their double flight comp to win four games in a row.

Chi Shuo leaned back in his gaming chair and rubbed at his temples. He asked, “It's almost ten. Do you need to go back to stream?”

“If I stream every day, will that affect our training?” Ye Shaoyang asked.

“No, the team's training times are in the afternoons and evenings. Us playing ranked early in the morning is already considered extra practice.” Chi Shuo dropped his hands from his temples and looked towards Ye Shaoyang. He warmly added, “You don't need to put too much pressure on yourself either. Just focus on training for two hours in the morning, then give yourself some time to relax.”

Ye Shaoyang thought about it and decided Chi Shuo was making sense. Playing ranked with Chi Shuo on the international server was actually very draining. He had to focus his full attention on the games without relaxing for even a second. That was the only way he could keep up with Chi Shuo's tempo. If he kept up this sort of high-intensity training all day, his mind wouldn't be able to take it.

Even in training, there had to be a balance between work and rest.

With that thought in mind, Ye Shaoyang got up and prepared to return to his room.

Just as the two of them turned to step outside, they ran into a yawning Lin Feng who was on his way into the training room. Upon seeing that Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo had already turned on their computers, Coach Lin froze for a moment.

“Why are you two up to train this early?”

“We've been keeping a pretty regular work and sleep schedule lately,” Ye Shaoyang said. “I get up at seven, and Captain Chi has been getting up early too. So we played a few rounds on the international server to practice a flight comp.”

Lin Feng hurriedly approached the computers. “Come, come. Show me the replay.”

Chi Shuo loaded up the recording of their games.

Lin Feng watched the games at 2x speed. He disregarded the other random teammates, only focusing on the teamwork Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang displayed when ganking others. After watching, he fell into thought with an expression of deep disbelief. A long moment passed before he finally mumbled, “You guys have only known each other for a few days. How are you so in sync?”

Ye Shaoyang joked, “Maybe we were born to be together?”

Chi Shuo was silent.

What are you saying? An alpha and an omega, born to be together?

Chi Shuo coughed lightly, embarrassedly averting his gaze.

Coach Lin was also momentarily stunned by these 'bold' words from Ye Shaoyang. He gave the two of them a suspicious look and found that Ye Shaoyang's eyes were completely open and honest, without the slightest bit of guilt or unease—it seemed Ye Shaoyang was a rather straightforward person. His 'be together' referred to being together in the game, on the battlefield. There was no other meaning.

Coach Lin gathered his thoughts and warned, “The flight comp is extremely difficult to play. It requires peak performance from the players. If you take this comp out in an official game, are you two confident you can destroy the enemy?”

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