Chapter 56

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The Black Wolf was the assassin with the greatest potential for launching surprise attacks. Chi Shuo actually liked this type of hero a lot.

There were two ways to play this hero.

One was to start out in human form, pouncing and biting at enemies from a distance. This opening move would activate 'hunting mode', in which the Black Wolf took his wolf form and used his superior jumping powers to chase down any crippled heroes trying to flee.

The second way was the reverse—joining a battle in wolf form and launching a sneak attack from nearby. After taking down an enemy, the Black Wolf would switch into his human form and either chase down escaping enemies or make his own retreat.

With all that shifting back and forth, this hero seemed like he would be hard to grasp. This kind of 'kill-oriented hero' was also very dependent on assistance from his teammates—theoretically, as soon as his teammates got all their enemies down to low health, the Black Wolf could find the perfect opportunity to leap into the fray. Relying on his uniquely agile skills, he could swiftly take a pentakill.

Unfortunately, the black/white wolf kings comp was just too difficult to play.

It was hard to time the Black Wolf's entry into a fight correctly. If he leapt in too soon, it was too easy for him to be killed. The White Wolf had to be played with extreme precision. In team fights, he could easily be overwhelmed and subsequently turn into a useless punching bag.

There were other people in the professional league who could play these two heroes. But the mid laners and junglers who could play them, and were on the same team, didn't necessarily have the sort of tacit understanding necessary to play them together. It was rare to find two such players on one team.

So, this duo was like a Queen of the Night—a flower which rarely bloomed and wilted soon after its first appearance in the game.

The reason was simple: this comp was too unstable.

It was just like the flight comp. Too easy to crash and burn.

Coach Lin wanted the two of them to practice these high-difficulty duos. That was actually a very big test of their tacit understanding.

Ye Shaoyang opened up the character profile and started to carefully study the White Wolf King's abilities.

Summoner mages were difficult to play because they had to manage multiple units. Players always had to keep track of their pets, and they had to command their pets to go where they were supposed to go. They had to operate all these moving pieces swiftly and precisely, and their dynamic vision had to be extremely sharp for them to capture every opportunity.

Sending four little wolf cubs out to hit a wooden block was very easy.

But leading them in a 5v5 team fight?

When ten heroes clashed in a chaotic brawl, flinging their skills all over the place and filling up the screen with colorful special effects, teammates and enemies would all get mixed up into one cluster. At times like that, most players probably wouldn't even be able to find their little wolf cubs.

But Ye Shaoyang had earned an S-rank result on his dynamic vision disturbance resistance test. To him, it wasn't all that difficult to find and command his pets in the midst of this sort of chaotic brawl.

He opened up the training program on his computer and started to practice with the White Wolf King.

When he first started practicing with this hero, everything did feel a bit like a mess. The wolf cubs would never listen to his orders, instead running all over the place or spacing out right where they spawned. Ye Shaoyang spent a few rounds getting used to them before figuring out the trick to using these wolf cubs.

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