Chapter 6

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The aggrievement Qin Rui felt after being insulted had already dissipated. He looked at his gege with adoration in his eyes. "Ge, you're so strong. Can you take me up to Diamond? I've been stuck in Gold for a month already."

"Sure," Ye Shaoyang agreed right away.

With his experience, taking a newbie up to Diamond was no challenge. Plus, double queueing with a support was beneficial to him as well. He could get Qin Rui to scout out the wilderness and report their enemies' movements to him, so that he could win each match as quickly as possible.

The only problem was that his account only had five heroes unlocked so far—they were the fighter, assassin, mage, marksman, and support that came unlocked by default. Of all the mage-type heroes, he only had the Frost Goddess unlocked. This kind of hero which flourished in the late-game, after gearing up with top-tier equipment, wasn't suitable for carrying someone up the ranks. Plus, too many new players knew how to play these default heroes. If another player chose the Frost Goddess, Ye Shaoyang would be left in the awkward position of having no heroes to choose from.

It would be better to pick up a lesser-known hero.

"Wait for me for a minute, I'll go buy a hero." Ye Shaoyang pulled up the in-store game.

"Ge, I'll buy it for you," Qin Rui offered giddily. "I still have a lot of credits on my account that I haven't spent yet."

Ye Shaoyang didn't hold back. "Alright, then send me the Abyssal Lord."

"The Abyssal Lord?" Qin Rui sounded confused. "There's a hero by that name?"

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the version number of the game. "It's the new hero that came out in this version. The one in the opening animation."

"Geh, I skipped the opening movie. I didn't notice it." Qin Rui opened up the in-game mall and saw that the heroes category had a ‘NEW' symbol next to it. The new addition added in the 9-3 season was the Abyssal Lord – Locke.

As a demon from the abyss, this character's figure was wrapped up in a black cloak. A huge hood covered his face, and his body was shrouded by a fine, black mist. The weapon he held in his hands was a staff made of skulls, and the eye sockets of those skulls were still continuously leaking blood.

The new hero looked pretty cool. There was an extremely long passage dedicated to describing his skills. Qin Rui studied it for ages without really understanding much. He turned and whispered, "Ge, are you sure you want to buy this one? Its difficulty rating is five stars. Looks super complicated."

"Just buy him," Ye Shaoyang said. "Everyone else will be running into this new hero for the first time too. This way, I can stand at the same starting line as them."

Gods War had over a hundred playable heroes. Professional players had definitely already studied the older heroes thoroughly, learning their play styles inside and out. Ye Shaoyang wouldn't be able to get very creative with them.

New heroes, however, were unfamiliar to everyone. Ye Shaoyang could be the fastest one to get results with this new hero.

Qin Rui bought the Abyssal Lord, then asked, "Are there any other heroes you want to play? I can send you a few more. I still have over 100,000 credits on this account."

Ye Shaoyang had taken notes on all the heroes. In his spreadsheet, he'd divided the mid lane heroes into three categories—

Artillery mages, assassin mages, and utility mages.

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