Chapter 137

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•The choice of the second game

"Congratulations to Tianheng for winning the first match! The MVP of this match is Tianheng Fanxing! "

"Little Star's performance in this match was really outstanding. He didn't die once from start to finish, and he dealt 45% of the damage in the team battle. He even let us enjoy a colorful fireworks show!"

The crowd roared with laughter.

The MVP information card appeared on the big screen. Cheng Xing's picture was enlarged, and next to it was his information for the season, including his win rate, hero pool, KDA rating, and MVP number.

He was the shooter with the least MVP number.

However, looking at Little Star's stiff smile, the viewers couldn't help but flood the screen —

Why did Little Star look like he was going to the execution ground?

His smile was so stiff! Was the photographer holding a knife to his neck?

Little Star, if you're kidnapped, just blink!

To be honest, although Little Star was Tian Huan's weakest point, his improvement was indeed quite fast.

Tianheng had a demon king named Lieyang, and Little Star was just a noob!

After seeing Little Star's 100 ways to die on Weibo, they sympathized with this little cutie.

Stars rise!

In the soundproof room, Cheng Xing took off his headphones and shouted excitedly, "Brother Yang is awesome!"

This was what he would shout every time he finished a match.

As Ye Shaoyang's number one hardcore fan, Cheng Xing praised Ye Shaoyang on a daily basis.

However, in the past, when he shouted this phrase after a match, he would often see Brother Yang and his master hugging each other to celebrate. He would quietly stay by the side, not daring to disturb them. However, today, Ye Shaoyang didn't hug Chi Shuo. Instead, he turned to look at Cheng Xing and patted him on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "You played well in this match."

Cheng Xing smiled and scratched his head. "My hands feel good today, and I feel that my playing is smoother than before!"

Qujiang said, "Is it because you forgot the key board's light effect?"

Cheng Xing looked down and saw that his keyboard was lit up with colorful lights. Every time he hit a key, the keyboard would change into a colorful light effect. It was very cool.

Cheng Xing was puzzled. "Could that be the reason?"

Ye Shaoyang laughed and said, "Then don't turn it off. It's not like your keyboard can shake us anyway."

Cheng Xing sat back down and typed on the keyboard for a while. He danced with joy, almost writing the word "happy" on his forehead … This kid's mental age was still relatively childish.

Coach Lin walked into the soundproof room and praised, "Everyone played very well in the first round. The rhythm of the three-pronged tower was excellent! Little Star, you have to be praised for your high damage output. You didn't die even once. Very good. "

Cheng Xing chuckled. "It's because everyone protected him well!"

Coach Lin said, "Shall we follow the original plan for the next round?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at Chi Shuo. "Will Huowen use positional warfare? They are the blue side in this round. They can snatch the Goddess of Flames. "

Chi Shuo said calmly, "If they use positional warfare in the second round, I will choose the [Stealth Thief] to kill the opposing archer. If they don't, then the middle and wild team will lead the rhythm."

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