Chapter 7

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Nine o 'clock in the evening, Tianhuan Squad Base.

When Chi Shuo arrived at Training Room 1, the team members were already sitting in front of the computer and starting their daily training. He walked past Coach Lin Feng and saw the information interface of the new hero, "Lord of the Abyss" on the game screen.

Lin Feng was the first generation of Tianhuan Squad's main midlaner. He was a mild-tempered Beta male who stayed in Tianheng as the head coach after his retirement.

Because he used to be a professional player, his coaching philosophy was different from many professional coaches. He respected the players' wishes more and never put on airs as a coach. He rarely let players sit on the bench, unless a player really made a serious mistake in the game and didn't repent.

Every time a new hero was released, Coach Lin would practice it himself. He believed that a coach couldn't be an armchair strategist. He had to know all the heroes like the back of his hand so that he could choose the best lineup for the game. Therefore, Lin Feng was also the strongest among all the current head coaches in the league.

Chi Shuo stopped and leaned over to look at his computer screen. "How strong is the new hero?"

Lin Feng said, "It should be a T0 level midlaner. This hero is a bit difficult to control. The Q skill's displacement distance is very short. It's easy to hit a wall if you don't control it well. The three shadows can split and merge. They have good damage in a team fight or in a solo fight. They are very flexible. Their output will explode in the later stage. They will refresh their skills after killing people. The more they kill, the stronger they become. "

"Reaper's Sting?" Chi Shuo sat down next to him and said while turning on the computer, "The game server hasn't officially loaded the new hero yet. It won't be online until November. Do we need to make some arrangements for the Lord of the Abyss in advance? "

Coach Lin smiled and said, "Once the game server is online, the strong heroes of this version are likely to be in the Ban position. But we have to be prepared. If the opponent doesn't Ban, we can also practice the new lineup."

Chi Shuo nodded and said, "I'll go to the ranking with you tomorrow and familiarize myself with the new hero."

According to the schedule, each official season was divided into three small online game seasons.

For example, the official ninth season would be divided into three small seasons: 9-1, 9-2, and 9-3. They corresponded to the three different stages of the official pre-season, mid-season, and playoffs.

In order to keep the players fresh and increase their tactical plans, some new heroes would be released every season.

When new heroes were first released, they were usually very strong. They would be released on the online game first, and the competition server would be delayed for two months. This was also to prevent any bugs from appearing in the new hero, which would affect the official Professional League.

Currently, Version 9-3's new hero, [Lord of the Abyss – Locke], had been released in the online game. All players could purchase it or exchange it for quests. However, this character was not available in the competition server, so he could not be used in the professional arena for the time being.

Pro players had to familiarize themselves with their new heroes. Otherwise, if you don't even understand the skills of the new hero in the official competition, how are you going to deal with him if you don't even understand his skills?

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