Chapter 82

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The previous game could be considered 'smooth sailing'. This type of game was commonly seen in tournaments. The team with an advantage pushed their way straight to victory. After that pentakill over the grand dragon, the mental states of NTG's players were probably starting to crumble.

Was the pro league really this terrifying?!

NTG had just advanced to the major leagues from the minor leagues, and they were wiped out in a pentakill in their very first game? NTG's players had all gone a bit pale. This feeling... wasn't it a bit like being a Bronze-ranked player who'd suddenly stumbled into a King-rank game, only to be blown up like a fish in a barrel?

NTG's coach watched the game from below the stage. His whole face was full of bewilderment.

The second game was set to begin soon. He returned to the soundproofed room and carefully considered his words. He finally gave a forced laugh and reassured, "This is fine, our opponent is Team Tianhuan, after all. Chi Shuo is a world-class jungler. Losing to them is normal..."

But the problem was that Chi Shuo hadn't gotten a pentakill in that game. It had been Tianhuan's new omega mid laner!

If they had been wiped out by Chi Shuo, everyone may have had an easier time accepting it. Chi Shuo was a world championship-level player, after all. But being wiped out by a new player who had just debuted? How were they, NTG, supposed to face the world after that?

The coach took a deep breath and said, "Okay, okay. The last game is already over, don't think about it anymore. Everyone, hurry up and pull yourselves together. Let's prepare for the next round!"

Meanwhile, in Tianhuan's soundproofed room, Coach Lin was finally wearing a relieved smile after gravely marching through the past few days. He lightly patted Ye Shaoyang on the shoulder and said, "Well done."

Cheng Xing also excitedly cheered, "My Yang-ge is awesome!"

Chi Shuo turned to look at Ye Shaoyang, meeting Ye Shaoyang's bright and faintly smiling eyes. Getting a pentakill was something that would make anyone elated, but Shaoyang's expression was still fairly calm...

He really was remarkably easy-going.

The corners of Chi Shuo's lips quirked up slightly. He softly said, "That battle just now. You were awesome."

"Everyone worked together well," Ye Shaoyang said.

Coach Lin smiled and said, "Of course. Everyone's contributions allowed us to win. So, how shall we play the second round?"

Chi Shuo said, "Let's continue with the double carry comp. I'll keep being a support jungler."

Coach Lin looked at him. "You won't take a jungler core?"

"There's no need to pull out a mid/jungle duo comp when we face off against teams in Group B," Chi Shuo said. "It's better for us to take the opportunity to work on Qu Jiang and Cheng Xing's teamwork. In this next game, let's focus on the bottom lane."

Coach Lin agreed, "Mm, I was thinking that too."

Cheng Xing hadn't been too dazzling in the first round. Ultimately, he only did around 20% of the damage. His performance couldn't be considered outstanding. The main reason was that his hero in the previous round, the Yuki-onna, typically flourished and became very strong in late-game. But ultimately, Ye Shaoyang finished things with a pentakill before the game even reached the late-game stage.

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