Chapter 92

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As expected, various online articles popped up after Team Yaoguang's victory. Headlines included—

New marksman Yang Jingyu takes pentakill in debut game, ascends to godhood! S10's new god is about to be born!

YG-Yu'mao takes pentakill in debut game, instantly making a name for himself!

Anyone could tell with just one glance that these articles had been written in advance. Chi Shuo and Coach Lin had guessed correctly that Yaoguang intended to promote a new god from within their own team.

Yaoguang was a very wealthy team with plenty of financial backing. They must have spent quite a lot to buy themselves these media headlines. The newbie they wanted to promote was also genuinely strong. Since he'd taken a pentakill, they could take the opportunity to stir up some hype around him now.

Before long, the official Gods War social media accounts posted the highlights reels from the games of the day.

Gods War posted these highlights reels whenever there was a match, but the reel from that day was circulated very quickly. Within half an hour, it gained tens of thousands of shares, and the topic trended instantly.

A very peculiar atmosphere consumed the comments section.

[No wonder Xie Weiyu switched teams. The new marksman is way stronger than him!]

[The new marksman is hotter than him too.]

[Good luck to the new little gege! When Xie Weiyu was the captain, the best Yaoguang did was second place. I'm waiting for you guys to take the championship title this year!]

These comments were all targeting Yaoguang's former captain Xie Weiyu. Some random passersby and Xie Weiyu's anti-fans were definitely fanning the flames, but Ye Shaoyang suspected most of the comments were still from paid trolls—in order to let this newbie replace Xie Weiyu, the team had to make their fans believe that the newbie was more powerful than their former captain.

After Qu Jiang scrolled through the comments section, he couldn't help but mutter, “Little Yu worked hard when he was on their team. He played cautiously, and he played well. He never made any big mistakes, did he? Is there any need to treat him in such an ugly way?”

Qin Yizhu grinned and said, “If I remember correctly, Yueying is in Group S this season, right? The two teams won't run into each other for the time being. They're probably taking advantage of this time to promote the new guy, so that they can entice some of Xie Weiyu's fans to switch over to their newbie.”

Xie Weiyu had debuted two years ago, and his looks were just average. He only had a moderate number of diehard fans. His casual fans would see that the new marksman on Team Yaoguang was both handsome and powerful, so many of them would bail and switch over to supporting the new player. It could only be said that Team Yaoguang was very good at employing the tricks of the entertainment industry.

However… their dirty tricks simultaneously offended two of the most renowned teams in the league.

Did they really think they could just take the championship title this year? Wouldn't it be very humiliating when they were completely destroyed?

At just that time, Chi Shuo's cell phone suddenly chimed. He took a look and saw that it was a message from Xu Zhuo, which said: [Did you watch Yaoguang's game from today?]

Chi Shuo answered: [Just finished.]

Xu Zhuo wrote: [Lots of the people dissing Little Yu on Weibo are hired trolls from Yaoguang. I suspect Ye Shaoyang's anti-fans from yesterday were these people too. Ye Shaoyang has been making too much of a splash lately, so they're trying to spin some negative stories about him in order to let their own marksman shine more brightly than Ye Shaoyang.]

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