Chapter 158

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The battle for the treasure chest lasted for 20 minutes. When Ye Shaoyang returned to Team Red's resurrection point, it was exactly 19 minutes. There was still one minute before the end.

However, even if Team Yellow and Team Blue revived and rushed over, they could not do anything to him.

Golden words were written above Ye Shaoyang's head: Treasure Chest x 85. The five members of Team Yellow and Team Blue who had just revived stood not far away to watch the final boss.

They could only watch him take all 85 treasure chests without being able to kill him. That was the most infuriating part!

No matter how Team Yellow and Team Blue fought, they could not get more than 85 treasure chests. They were bound to lose.

As the battle ended at 20 minutes, the final results appeared on the big screen.

First place: Team Red, Number of Treasure Chests x 85

Second place: Team Yellow, Number of Treasure Chests x 65

Third place: Team Blue, Number of Treasure Chests x 0

There were a total of 160 treasure chests in one match. Everyone did not have time to pick up all the treasure chests that were randomly dropped in the last wave. The dragon at Team Blue's entrance was also not killed, so the total was only 150.

Team Blue had been leading since the beginning. In the end, they were ambushed by Team Red in the last wave and the treasure chests were dropped instantly.

They were so pitiful that they were shaved bald.

Yao Mu held back her laughter and said, "Congratulations to Team Red for winning the battle for the treasure chest!"

Brother Dong praised, "Team Red's strategy was really unexpected. After being wiped out in the early stages, they learned to hide their strength and bide their time. They did not participate in the battle for the treasure chests and were ranked last to reduce their own taunts.

"In the later stages, when Team Blue and Team Yellow fought fiercely for the treasure chests, Team Red kept an indifferent attitude until the last dragon spawned. They calculated the number of treasure chests and suddenly ambushed Team Blue. They wiped out Team Blue and snatched all the treasure chests from Team Blue.

"Let us give our applause to Team Red and thank Team Blue and Team Yellow for participating!"

The applause below the stage was thunderous.

Ye Shaoyang took off his headphones. His teammates sitting next to him gave him a thumbs up. Zhao Xinan could not help but slap his thigh. "Beautiful! Translation. Little Bai led well. Finally, I don't have to perform. "

The players of the blue and yellow teams also took off their headphones and stood up, looking rather helpless.

Yao Mu said, "Contestants, please return to the stage."

Everyone stood in a row in the middle of the stage again. The five members of the victorious Red Team were invited to the front by Yao Mu.

Yao Mu handed the microphone to Ye Shaoyang and asked, "Was Yangyang the one who commanded the battle for the treasure chest just now?"

Ye Shaoyang was all smiles. "Yes."

Yao Mu: "How did you come up with the idea of a sudden attack to steal the treasure chest?"

Ye Shaoyang said, "Because we're at a disadvantage in the beginning, we're too far behind in the number of treasure chests. If we pick them up one by one, we definitely won't be able to win, so we can only take a gamble. If we kill the boss at the last moment, we'll become the boss. "

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