Chapter 111

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 • Training Match

In the afternoon the next day, Coach Lin sent a message in the group chat: “@Everyone, gather in the training room at three p.m. today punctually. I've made an appointment with a team from the Korean division for a training match.”

Two days ago, Coach Lin had already said that Tianhuan's next Group A matches were with CYC, Jixuan, and Xueying. They should be able to win relatively easily against these teams. They can take the opportunity to make an appointment with the teams from the Korean division for training.

They didn't expect Coach Lin to be so efficient and had already made an appointment this quickly.

Chi Shuo asked in the group: “Which team?”

Ye Shaoyang also typed at the same time and sent: “Which team?”

The two messages were sent out at the same time. As for things like Tianhuan's mid/jungle duo's brain waves being in-sync with each other, they were already used to it as they saw it occurring quite often.

Qu Jiang sent a 'face with hand over mouth' emoji and texted, “I also wanted to ask but my hand speed wasn't as fast as the both of you.”

Coach Lin replied: “TIP team.”

The strongest in the Korean division currently is the ATB team led by Choi Hyuk and Park Wonseok who was also last year's world champion. The TIP team that Coach Lin had made an appointment with used to be an elite team in the Korean division. Later, they had a performance decline and were eliminated from the playoffs so they didn't manage to get a placement in the world championship.

Their captain was also someone whom Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo knew——back when the both of them were in the international server playing ranked and had happened to run into Zhou Jiawen and Kim Minjun. Kim Minjun was TIP's captain and had learned a little bit of Chinese from Zhou Jiawen. They often duo queued in the international server together.

Coach Lin said: “TIP's performance in the last season wasn't good but the new marksman and mid laner they had signed from the training camp are all excellent. Their results in Group A are currently not bad, and there's hope that they might get into Group S.”

Lin Feng paused, then continued: “I actually wanted to make an appointment with the ATB champion team, but they ignored me when I chatted with their coach privately. They gave me the feeling that they looked down on Tianhuan.”

Ye Shaoyang smiled: “We ran into Choi Hyuk and Park Wonseok during ranked with Captain Chi yesterday. They're indeed pretty proud and arrogant. Rather than saying that they look down on Tianhuan, it's more like they look down on all the teams in the Chinese division. They probably think that playing a training match with us is just like a King-ranked player abusing a Bronze-ranked player, very boring.”

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