Chapter 98

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Chi Shuo, of course, didn't forget Ye Shaoyang's birthday.

Ye Shaoyang's personal information had been listed clearly in his club registration forms, and Chi Shuo had also overheard Cheng Xing and Tang Can quietly whispering about a 'birthday' in the car.

Once they returned to their dorms, Chi Shuo closed the door to his bedroom and turned on his computer to do a search.

What kind of gift should he get for Ye Shaoyang? Chi Shuo was a bit perplexed.

He'd never prepared a birthday gift for anyone before.

Ye Shaoyang was also fairly rich now; the five million yuan from Tianhuan had reached his bank account a long time ago. If Ye Shaoyang was in need of anything, he could buy it for himself. But buying a necessity for yourself and receiving it from someone else were two different matters entirely. Chi Shuo decided it would still be best to get Ye Shaoyang something practical.

Chi Shuo carefully mulled it over, first ruling out a few options.

Fresh flowers, or artsy decorations—better forget about those. It was obvious from just one glance that Ye Shaoyang wasn't the kind of delicate omega who enjoyed arranging flowers or decorating with artsy things.

Clothes, belts, cufflinks, and so on… these things were all a bit too intimate. It wouldn't be too late for Chi Shuo to gift them to Ye Shaoyang later on.

Chi Shuo had originally planned on giving Ye Shaoyang a laptop, but then the Silver Dragon Group gave one to each of them.

What other practical thing could he give?

Chi Shuo lowered his head and looked at his own cell phone—oh, right. Cell phones.

If Chi Shuo remembered correctly, the phone Shaoyang was currently using was a model that had been popular around two years ago. A few days ago, the kitten was playing rambunctiously and had knocked Shaoyang's cell phone onto the floor. Chi Shuo wasn't sure if it had suffered any damage or not.

Advancements were made in tech very rapidly. If Ye Shaoyang had been using his phone for a few years already, it was time to upgrade anyway.

Plus, a cell phone was a necessity in life. It was something that would be used every day. And whenever Shaoyang used it, he would remember who gave it to him. It was extremely practical, and it would constantly remind Shaoyang of Chi Shuo's warm intentions.

Chi Shuo made the decision on the spot. The next morning, he drove out to a cell phone store.

It was eight in the morning, and the shop had just opened for business. That was when their employees saw a tall, handsome young man walk in, wearing a cap and face mask. The young man pointed to the newest foldable cell phone and asked, “Do you have this model in stock?”

A staff member greeted him very excitedly, happy for the early morning business. “We do! This is our limited edition model of the year, selling for twenty-five thousand yuan. It comes with the newest processors and top-of-the-line camera, and the foldable screen is our company's latest tech as well. It's absolutely seamless. And the phone is extremely thin and lightweight. Sir, please feel free to take a look.”

The staff member took out a model phone from a cupboard. Chi Shuo turned it on and checked it out, finding that it was indeed pretty good.

Online reviews had praised this phone to the high heavens. But many people had been dissuaded by the price tag. The model's main selling point was its foldable screen, which allowed the phone to be collapsed into a very small item that could be carried around in any pocket. When the screen was unfolded, the phone was still very thin and lightweight. It was handy for watching streams, reading articles, skimming Weibo, playing mobile games, and so on.

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