Chapter 168

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After the plane landed in Seoul, the organizer's staff came to pick them up in advance. Since Chi Shuo's name was not on the Chinese team, the person in charge of picking them up had to check the number of people on the list. Chi Shuo left the team and said that he would take a taxi.

Ye Shaoyang looked at him worriedly and asked, "Do you speak Korean? Is it okay to take a taxi alone? "

Chi Shuo said, "I called for an online taxi in advance. You can go to the hotel with everyone. I'll be there soon. "

Ye Shaoyang whispered, "Be careful. We're overseas after all."

Shaoyang was still very concerned about him and was worried that something would happen to him overseas. Actually, it was not Chi Shuo's first time in Korea. He was very familiar with the place.

On the way to the hotel in a taxi, Chi Shuo looked at the tall buildings outside the window with mixed feelings.

The last time he was in Korea was six years ago. At that time, he was a youth trainee in Tianheng and had not officially debuted. There was an unofficial invitational tournament in Korea with high prize money. His master asked him to come along and see the world. That was Chi Shuo's first time overseas. His master was worried that he would get lost and kept an eye on him.

Now, as the team captain and master, he was accompanying Shaoyang and Xiao Xing to participate in the tournament.

Time passed too quickly. He was already 23 years old. The years he spent as an esports player from the age of 17 to 23 would be the most unforgettable experience of his life.

Especially when he met Ye Shaoyang and finally understood what it felt like to like someone.

Chi Shuo couldn't help but smile when he thought of Ye Shaoyang leaning on him to sleep on the plane. His mood improved a lot.

In the past, he always felt that he would have nothing to do after he retired. Now that he had Shaoyang, he could take Shaoyang around the world after he retired. As long as he had someone he liked, he would not feel bored doing anything.

The taxi soon arrived at the hotel. The official car had also just arrived. Chi Shuo saw Ye Shaoyang and the others in the hotel lobby checking in with the team leader. Chi Shuo went to the front desk on the other side to check in.

The two of them looked at each other in the crowd.

Ye Shaoyang smiled at Chi Shuo. At this moment, his phone rang. he looked down. Chi Shuo: "I'm staying on the 17th floor of Block B, 1703."

Ye Shaoyang: "The contestants and staff are all staying on the 22nd floor of Block A. I'm 2219."

Block A and B were quite far away.

However, since they were in the same hotel, they could meet anytime.

Chi Shuo said, "I'll go put my luggage first, and then we'll talk after it's settled."

This hotel was the designated cooperative hotel for this year's World Invitational Tournament. Players from all countries would stay in Block A, while Block B would be used for reception.

Chi Shuo put his luggage away by going back to the room. Soon, the phone rang, and the head of the little white cat made people feel very friendly: "I went back to the room. The staff said that there is a welcome dinner tonight. How do you solve it?"

Chi Shuo: "Don't worry about me. I'll eat out by myself."

When Ye Shaoyang saw this reply, he could not help but think that if Chi Shuo did not go with the team, he would have to stay and eat by himself for the next week ... Wouldn't it be a bad idea to leave him alone?

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