Chapter 122

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  The couple next to him whispered to each other for a long time. They seemed to be discussing the wedding date.

Ye Shaoyang's head was buzzing. He rubbed his temples to control the shock in his heart. In his mind, he quickly reviewed the physiological knowledge he had mastered after transmigrating to the ABO world.

In fact, his understanding of this world was only superficial. Some of his physiological knowledge was also casually searched on the Internet. He had not read any professional physiological textbooks. He only knew that in this world, both men and women could have children. Alpha and Omega had pheromones that needed inhibitors to control …

He was reborn with only one goal in his mind — to win the world championship.

Therefore, he did not pay attention to other things at all. He only had a general idea.

At that time, when he was differentiated into Omega, the doctor said that he was allergic to inhibitors and could temporarily mark Alpha. He did not think much about it. Without hesitation, he went to Chi Shuo and took a bite.

In his opinion, taking a bite was easy and would not cause him to lose a piece of meat.

But now, it seemed that things were not as he thought.

Ye Shaoyang lowered his head and thought for a moment. He was about to take out his mobile phone to search for more information related to the mark when he heard a prompt from the hospital's consultation desk. "Patient 005, please come to the consultation room."

He had been listening to the gossip of the young couple next to him. It was his turn so soon?

Ye Shaoyang quickly put away his mobile phone, stood up, and walked to the doctor's office with Chi Shuo.

Dr. Xue looked up and saw them. "Family members, please wait outside. Mr. Ye, come in first."

Chi Shuo said, "I'll wait for you here."

Ye Shaoyang nodded at him and walked into the office.

The doctor closed the door and asked Ye Shaoyang to sit down and measure the pheromone data. Then, he asked the nurse to draw blood.

This time, there was a lot of blood drawn. There were several colored test tubes. Ye Shaoyang sat there cooperatively. After the nurse finished drawing blood, he pressed on the hemostatic cotton swab and looked up to ask the doctor, "Dr. Xue, can I ask when the inhibitors will be developed?"

As Dr. Xue wrote the medical record, he said, "Your situation is rather special. Your allergy to suppressants is not a physical problem, but a genetic problem. At the research institute, Professor Xu is personally leading a team to solve this problem. As long as your inhibitor is successfully developed, it can help many more Omega patients like you. "

Ye Shaoyang was puzzled. "Professor Xu?"

Dr. Xue said, "He's an authoritative expert in the field of pheromones. His team has found several cases similar to yours. They're making good progress. I'll contact you as soon as I have the results."

Ye Shaoyang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I understand. Thank you."

Dr. Xue looked at him and asked, "I remember you said that your boyfriend marked you on the first day of the New Year … which is January 8th, right?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "Yes."

Dr. Xue said, "It's been four months since the last mark. Have you been feeling unwell recently?"

"I don't feel any discomfort." Ye Shaoyang was also a little puzzled. "Didn't you say that the duration of the mark is usually one to three months? But I've been testing my pheromone every day recently, and it's been stable. "

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