Chapter 60

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It was already November. When Ye Shaoyang woke and gazed out his window, he found that all the leaves on the trees outside had yellowed. A dense layer of golden leaves blanketed the ground, and the autumn sky had turned a deep blue.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Shaoyang had already been a member of Team Tianhuan for a full month.

Today was the first time Tianhuan would practice as a team. Ye Shaoyang wasn't at all concerned about his synergy with the jungler. But whether or not the top and bottom laners could keep up with their rhythm remained to be seen.

This was a 5v5 game, not a 2v2 game.

As soon as their teamwork started to fall apart, as soon as they started losing team fights, they ran the risk of allowing the enemy to turn the tables on them regardless of how much of an advantage Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo earned for the team in early-game.

At exactly one in the afternoon, Ye Shaoyang finished eating lunch and made his way to the training room on the second floor. His other teammates rushed in one after another. Last night before everyone went to sleep, Coach Lin had told them in Tianhuan's group chat that they would be training in the big training room the following day.

No one dared to show up late for training. When Coach Lin arrived, he swept his gaze across the room and saw that everyone was present. So he jumped right in and said, “Everyone take your places in two rows, as you would in a match.”

Based on today's plans, it seemed Tianhuan's training schedule was for the starting team and the second-string team to first play practice games against each other. This way, they could figure out each team's problems. Once they identified those problems, they could devise a targeted practice plan to address the issues. Once the players in the starting lineup got a feel for one another, they would start to seek out other teams for practice matches.

This was a rather reasonable plan. The five members of Tianhuan's starting lineup had never played a single official game with one another. If they immediately went out to face off against another team in a practice game, there was a good chance they would be completely destroyed, which would affect the players' mental states.

By playing internal practice games, everyone could relax a little. It was a better way of figuring out their own problems.

All the players swiftly took their seats in the order of top laner, jungler, mid laner, marksman, and support. The two teams took their positions and formed two rows in front of their computers, facing each other through the glass panel that divided them.

The mid laner faced the mid laner. Ye Shaoyang faced Xie Xiaotian.

Xie Xiaotian snuck a glance at Ye Shaoyang and just so happened to meet Ye Shaoyang's gaze. The youth instantly, awkwardly averted his gaze. When Ye Shaoyang first joined the team, Xie Xiaotian had taken the initiative to pick a fight. As a result, he'd been totally destroyed by Ye Shaoyang. Today, the starting lineup and the second-string team would be facing off. Xie Xiaotian was actually a bit anxious. What if he was obliterated in the middle lane? Wouldn't that be shameful?

Ye Shaoyang smiled over at him. “Xiaotian, play well.”

Xie Xiaotian coughed. “Ahem, mm…”

Coach Lin said, “Everyone, put on your headphones and load up your training software. Log in with the accounts I sent you.”

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