Chapter 127

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Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was the third week of May.

The third round of the Divinity Pro League had officially begun.

On Friday morning, everyone from Tianheng flew to Ya 'an City, the venue of the competition. When they arrived at the hotel to check in, they bumped into the members of Jing Zhe's team.

Fang Zhengqing walked up to Chi Shuo and smiled. "What a coincidence."

Chi Shuo looked at the luggage in his hands and asked, "You guys just arrived too?"

Fang Zhengqing nodded. "Yes, we took the morning flight."

The two coaches shook hands. Coach Lin smiled and said, "Old Chen, what's the lineup for tomorrow?"

Coach Chen put on a fake smile. "Just ask your Captain Chi. He can guess it."

Chi Shuo was speechless.

It would be strange if he could guess. The coaches always let him guess and then eliminate the possibility.

Coach Chen looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Lieyang, you won't take the Goddess of Destiny tomorrow, right? This is fate. Don't try to resist? "

Ye Shaoyang said, "If I really do take it, you guys can resist."

Everyone burst into laughter.

Fang Zhengqing narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Shaoyang. "It's a duel between two of the league's best poop-pickers. How about this, whoever loses tomorrow will buy a box of delicious food for the other person's cat?"

Ye Shaoyang agreed readily. "Okay. What brand of canned food does your cat eat? "

Fang Zhengqing said helplessly, "My cat is very picky. It doesn't eat canned food. It only eats freeze-dried food."

Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised. "Really? My cat only likes canned food. It doesn't eat freeze-dried food. "

The two of them looked at each other. Fang Zhengqing thought for a moment and said, "Then I'll send the canned food I bought earlier to Tianheng for Little White to eat. Otherwise, it'll be a waste. "

Ye Shaoyang said, "No problem. I'll thank you on behalf of Little White."

Fang Zhengqing asked, "Is your cat a brother or a sister?"

Ye Shaoyang said, "It's a brother."

"Have you been sterilized?"

"Not yet. I plan to wait until it's a little older, about one year old."

The teammates around them pricked up their ears to listen to their conversation.

Chi Shuo frowned and looked at Fang Zhengqing. "Why don't you let your cat play tomorrow?"

Fang Zhengqing said, "Sure, why don't we apply to the Alliance to have everyone rest offstage during the match between Tianheng and Jing Zhe and let the two feline aliens fight to determine the winner?"

While they were chatting, another group of people walked over from behind them — it was the members of Yaoguang's team. Group A also had a match on Saturday afternoon. Yumao was suspended and Yaoguang was replaced with a new shooter.

Everyone met at the front desk of the hotel, and the atmosphere instantly became awkward.

Fang Zhengqing did not continue the topic of cats. He quickly finished the procedures and returned to his room.

On Saturday afternoon, Group A, Yaoguang vs Luo Shen Dian. Ye Shaoyang watched the live broadcast of the match from the hotel. Yaoguang was crushed by Luo Shen Dian, and 02 lost terribly. The comments section of the live broadcast was filled with mockery and insults.

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