Chapter 130

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•Bounty Warlock

Nakano's support roaming was also a common fighting style. Tian Huan's illusionist system was Ye Shaoyang, Chi Shuo, and Qu Jiang roaming together. The support would accelerate and quickly engage in guerrilla warfare. The netizens even jokingly called it the "Scourge Three".

Jing Zhe's Archer was left alone in the bottom lane. Fang Zhengqing was the fastest developing player in the game. Five minutes into the game, Ye Shaoyang opened the game panel. Fang Zhengqing's Shadow Warlock had the highest economy in the game. Unknowingly, he was more than 300 yuan ahead of Ye Shaoyang.

Although this amount of money didn't mean much, it would add up. If he continued to develop, he would soon be ahead in terms of equipment.

Chi Shuo was already level 6. Ye Shaoyang quickly went to the bottom lane after clearing the minions.

Xie Yuan was fighting 1v2 in the bottom lane. Cheng Xing's Archer had a long range, and Qujiang's Healer could heal him. Xie Yuan was temporarily suppressed. Judging from his line of thought, he was indeed making physical damage output equipment, as well as attack speed equipment.

[Spellcaster of Curses] would stack curses that would deal magic damage every second. The higher the attack speed, the faster the curses would stack. Xie Yuan's equipment was a mix of normal attack (physical) and curse (magic) damage. He cleared the minions very quickly.

Although Chen Xing had reduced his health to around 70%, his development wasn't affected.

Chi Shuo went to the bushes in the bottom lane and pressed the in-game notification: Attack.

Ye Shaoyang put a shield on Chi Shuo. Chi Shuo used a big move with the shield and punched Xie Yuan into the wall!

With a short stun and [King of Fighters]'s combo punches, Xie Yuan was quickly crippled. Cheng Xing hurriedly activated his Q skill's enhanced normal attack and added a few more arrows, taking Xie Yuan's head.

First Blood!

Cheng Xing said excitedly, "Ah, I got first blood!"

Chi Shuo said, "Not bad. Clear the troops quickly."

Almost at the same time, the top lane also exploded with heads.

[I'm Very Square (Shadow Warlock) killed Tianheng Candle (Paladin)]

Qin Yizhu said, "There are four people on the other side. Kill them by leaping over the tower."

Ye Shaoyang quickly moved his camera over to take a look. Sure enough, it was a 4-on-1 in the bottom lane of Tianheng, and a 4-on-1 in the top lane of Jing Zhe. Although Old Qin was very cautious and stayed under the tower, Jing Zhe's White Bear summoned a big bear to tank the damage from the top of the tower. The top laner and support worked together to form a team, and Fang Zhengqing directly killed Old Qin in one burst.

The [Paladin] that Old Qin had chosen for this round was tough, but the magic resistance of the tank in the early stages was very low.

No matter how thick his skin was, he wouldn't be able to withstand the attacks of four people.

This exchange of heads between the top and bottom lanes was not considered a loss.

The dragons in the bottom half of the jungle spawned, and Chi Shuo immediately said, "Kill the dragons."

At the same time, Jing Zhe invaded the top half of Tianheng's jungle and looted a wave of blue buffs, small monsters, and other resources in the jungle before turning back to retreat.

Ye Shaoyang opened the game's interface again to check the information.

Fang Zhengqing's Shadow Warlock had the highest economy in the game, followed by Chi Shuo's King of Fighters, Cheng Xing's Archer, Xie Yuan's Spellcaster of Curses, Jing Zhe's top laner, and Ye Shaoyang was sixth.

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