Chapter 68

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A week's time passed swiftly. The practice match Lin Feng and Coach Tom had set up finally arrived. Due to the time difference between China and North America, the practice game was set to start at twelve.

For the Chinese division, it would be noon. For the American team, it would be midnight. They were set to play two games, which meant they would finish at around one under normal circumstances. They would wrap up just in time for Tianhuan's players to go eat lunch, and for the American players to go to sleep.

November 20th, 23:30. North America. Team FNO's base.

FNO, the abbreviated name of the team 'Fear No One', was a team which stood for fearlessness. This team was an old, strong team from North America, and their play style perfectly matched their name. They showed no fear when they played, and their way of fighting was extremely aggressive.

Their most aggressive player was their mid laner. Generation after generation, their mid laners passed down a unique play style of charging in headfirst. They played their mages like they were fighters. When they had no skills up, they used normal attacks with their staff to whack their enemies to death.

In Season 6, Tianhuan had run into FNO at the semifinals of the world championships. At that time, FNO's mid laner was Mitchell's master Grace. Tianhuan's mid laner at the time had been Chi Shuo's master Ming Sheng. The two world-class mid laners had battled fiercely at the apex of the world. Finally, Tianhuan's mid/jungle duo earned them the slight advantage they needed to eliminate FNO and fight their way into the S6 world championship finals.

In the three years which followed, the two teams never met again, because Tianhuan never made it back to the world championships.

Both sides had seen shifts in their player lineup.

The only FNO player remaining from S6 was their veteran top laner, Clement. He had once experienced the sharp edges of the young Chi Shuo in Season 6, but all the other FNO players were new. The mid laner was now Mitchell, who was young and full of vigor. He was even fiercer than his master had been.

Mitchell was currently one of the best middle laners in the international Gods War professional league. He was very well-known in North America and Europe. This captain was very amicable, and his friend circle spanned the whole world. Every day, he gossiped with people in group chats, and he was on great terms with Zhou Jiawen from the international server.

There was still half an hour before the practice match.

Mitchell looked towards the top laner Clement and curiously asked, “I haven't faced off against this Tianhuan team before. Is there anything I need to be aware of? Can we just obliterate them on the middle lane?”

Clement scratched at his hair and said, “I haven't run into them in three years. I only remember that their jungler is super strong. That extra powerful mid laner they had in the past retired, I think?”

At that time, Coach Tom walked over and explained, “Tianhuan's captain Ming Sheng retired after S6 and gave the captaincy to the jungler Chi Shuo. Their new mid laner is named Qu Jiang. He's good at playing support mid laners.”

Clement said, “I heard Tianhuan's been performing worse and worse these years?”

Coach Tom shrugged. With a bit of regret, he said, “It's true. In the three years of S7 to S9, they haven't gotten into the world championship once. Their results have been even more of a disaster than ours.”

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