Chapter 197

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     Ye Shaoyang clapped as he watched, "That's an intense match. Northern Shepherd's jungle seems to have gotten stronger?"

Chi Shuo commented calmly, "During the National League, Northern Shepherd's jungle was destroyed by us. They know that their jungle is their weakness and started to focus on defending it. Once Big Zhao and Little Zhao defend the jungle together, with Xiao En's frequent support, it won't be easy for the opponent to invade. "

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "Yes, we've learned a lot from Northern Shepherd. They've accumulated experience in defending the jungle from us. I think Northern Shepherd has a good chance of winning the fifth round. "

Some netizens asked him to predict the results of the draw for the semi-finals.

Since AMT, the champion team of the European region, had made it to the semifinals, Northern Shepherd had made it to the semifinals. That meant that there would be two Hua teams in the semifinals. Once they were drawn against each other, it would become a civil war between the Hua teams.

[Toxic Milk] predicted, "I think the result of the draw will be Tianheng against FNO, Northern Shepherd against ATB, and Northern Shepherd will probably win. On the other hand, Tianheng against ATB, Northern Shepherd against FNO, and it'll be Tianheng. Anyway, ATB has absolute dominance this season. Whoever faces them will be unlucky. "

AMT only has Vanessa left, and she can't kill a warrior with a defensive suit.

Northern Shepherd had won the match at 32 points!

In China, the number of comments under the blogger [Toxic Milk]'s Weibo exceeded six digits. Countless netizens said, "Let's kill this prophet!" "Toxic Milk's predictions are too accurate. Northern Shepherd defeated AMT and made it to the semi-finals!" "The score is indeed 32. Two warriors won the deciding game. Are you really a prophet?"

However, many people believed that no one could be sure of the result until the last moment. They continued to cheer for Tianheng and Northern Shepherd on their official Weibo.

On the 17th of December, Tianhuan, Beimu, FNO, and ATB sent their team captains to draw lots for the semifinals. The captains of the four teams met for the first time in the conference room of the hotel designated by the alliance.

There were surveillance cameras everywhere, as well as countless reporters and photographers. There were four cards in a cardboard box in the middle of the room, two blue and two red. The teams that drew the same color cards would meet in the semi-finals.

The netizens left comments asking, "Do you think ATB will be the champion?"

Toxic Healer replied, "I can't think of the possibility of the ATB losing. Korea is on their home ground, and all five players are very strong. The timing, location, and people are all in their favor. Unless the internet is cut during the finals? "

Many netizens believed his prediction and did not have much hope for the Chinese region.

Zhao Xinping and Chi Shuo looked at each other.

Chi Shuo said, "Captain Zhao, you go first."

Zhao Xinping nodded and walked forward. The card he drew was blue.

The captain of the ATB team, Cui He, was the host of the Korean team. He politely said, "You guys go first."

His eyes were full of confidence, as if to say, "We'll win for sure. Whoever draws us is unlucky."

Mitchell, the captain of FNO, stepped forward and drew a card from the cardboard box — red.

Cheng Xing, Qujiang and Lao Qin clenched their fists nervously. Cheng Xing's lips turned pale. When he looked back, he saw Ye Shaoyang sitting there with a smile on his face. He was munching on melons with a nonchalant attitude.

Cheng Xing could not help but ask, "Brother Yang, aren't you nervous? What if Master draws ATB … "

Ye Shaoyang put down the melon shell and said with a smile, "What's there to be nervous about? Since our goal is to be the champion, no matter who he draws, we have to defeat our opponent, right? Therefore, the result of the draw is meaningless. "

Everyone's eyes were focused on Chi Shuo.

If Chi Shuo drew blue, it would be a civil war between Beimu and Tianheng. If he drew red, it would be Tianheng against FNO, and Beimu against ATB. Chi Shuo's draw would determine the outcome of the S10 World Competition.

It was red.

The Chinese netizens watching the draw live had mixed feelings.

Tianheng against FNO, and Beimu against ATB!

Cheng Xing was stunned. Thinking about it carefully, it was right?

Since they had to think of a way to win, the result of the draw was not important.

Chi Shuo calmly took a step forward and took the first card from the box.

If they did not have a civil war with Beimu, at least one of them would be guaranteed a spot in the finals.

If they did not draw ATB, Tianheng still had a chance to get a silver medal in the finals, right?

Coach Lin smiled and said, "The next opponent is FNO. Let's prepare well. The champion team of the North American division is very strong. We can't be careless. "

Should we be happy that there was no civil war?

However, if Tianheng and Beimu had a civil war in the semi-finals, at least one of the Chinese teams would be guaranteed a spot in the finals!

If both Tianheng and Beimu lost, the Chinese team would not be able to win a trophy this season, just like S9!

These two teenagers who were not even 18 years old were the most talented newcomers in the North American division in recent years.

Just like Cheng Xing, FNO's archer, Angus, had won the S10 Best Newcomer Award in the North American division.

Moreover, FNO's top laner Kriman, mid laner Mitchell, and jungler Faust were all veteran players with rich experience in competitions. Kriman, in the same year as Chi Shuo, had played against Chi Shuo in S6.

Although Tianheng had defeated FNO in a mock competition, that was a year ago.

A year was enough for a team to completely transform.

Angus and Allan, who had been beaten to tears by Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo at the time, improved rapidly in the league and became stronger.

After Ye Shaoyang joined the team, Tianheng's first mock competition was against FNO. Ye Shaoyang used [Lord of the Abyss] to kill Mitchell by surprise. FNO became the first team in the world to know that Tianheng's mid laner had been replaced.

Mitchell was not the only one who had been thinking about killing Ye Shaoyang. Coach Tom of FNO had been eyeing Tianheng for a long time.

Tianheng had to prepare well for the semi-finals. Ye Shaoyang knew very well that Mitchell was not joking when he said, "I will kill you." He really had the ability to do so.

Three veteran players and two newcomers. On the surface, FNO's lineup looked similar to Tianheng's.

However, Ye Shaoyang could not be considered an ordinary "newcomer".

Since the start of the regular season, they had been paying attention to Tianheng's matches in China. They would watch and review every match in Tianheng. It could be said that they "knew the ins and outs" of the Tianheng Squad.

Facing an opponent who "knew you well" was scarier than facing a strong opponent who did not know you at all.

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