Chapter 81

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The game began.

NTG's captain got into the team voice chat and said, “We'll stick with the plan of attacking Tianhuan's jungle. Don't let Captain Chi get powered up!”

Chi Shuo's hero for this round, the Brawler, was fairly weak in early-game. But once he got geared up, he would have movement and control and burst damage skills… which would enable him to put so much pressure on the enemy that they wouldn't even dare step out from under their towers.

So, NTG couldn't change their plans of getting the jungle under their control.

This understanding was shared between all teams in the league.

The game interface loaded up. With the new version of the game offering 90 seconds of 'free time' at the beginning of a round, NTG's five players predictably invaded Tianhuan's jungle. They pieced together their map visibility along the river, with the ultimate goal of stealing Chi Shuo's blue buff.

Qu Jiang got there first to defend. He saw the enemy team's movements. Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo instantly circled through the right side of their territory, intending to sneak across the map to steal the enemy's blue buff.

Both sides clashed in a push and pull for a while. In the end, NTG successfully took down Chi Shuo's blue buff.

Chi Shuo also swiftly hacked the enemy's blue buff down to low health, then stepped back to let Ye Shaoyang take that first buff.

A wave of bullet comments rippled through the livestream—

[Captain Chi is playing the part of a poor support jungler again. He's even giving the first blue buff to the mid laner?]

[They're treating the new mid laner so well!]

[I hope the little omega gege won't give away a kill after getting that blue buff!]

[Chi Shuo's meaning: 'They'll all target me if I get the blue buff, so it's better to give it to a teammate. You guys stop dissing me.']

Tianhuan gave that first blue buff to their mid laner, and they gave the first red to their marksman.

Besides the support, Chi Shuo was the poorest player on the field. He was truly a support jungler, through and through.

But that was fine. The Brawler's control skill was his Q skill; even before reaching Level 6, this hero could serve his purpose.

After getting the red buff, Cheng Xing had a much easier time against the enemy bottom laners. He even had Qu Jiang with him, for additional protection.

In the 2v2 on the bottom lane, Cheng Xing wasn't able to fully send the enemy marksman home, but he was able to establish a small advantage through farming creeps.

In the middle lane—

NTG's captain was in a bit of an uncomfortable position.

It wasn't the sort of discomfort that came from being abused by the enemy mid laner, but just the sort of discomfort which rose from small details.

The enemy omega wasn't actually all that fierce. That Abyssal Lord was very docilely staying under his own defensive tower. It looked like he was simply steadily clearing minions. But every time he released a shadow to kill off some minions, he also disrupted the other mid laner's movements. This made NTG's mid laner miss enemy minions, letting them slip past him. As a result, NTG's mid lane outer tower lost a heap of HP.

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