Chapter 135

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 •Let the opponent have no way to go

    On the night they returned to the base, Coach Lin called everyone for a meeting to analyze next week's opponents.

Although Fire Mark did not have a long history like Tianheng and Jing Zhe, they had never missed the playoffs since they were established. They were a team with stable results. Zhou Jiawen's addition had raised the team's strength to another level.

Coach Lin said, "The core of the Fire Mark team is Captain Zhou, but before he joined, their team had always been a wild core lineup. Therefore, their jungler is also very strong."

When Cheng Xing heard this, he couldn't help but say, "That's right. When I was playing with Brother Qu on the international server, I was killed by Ah Yan many times!"

Ye Shaoyang also thought of this name — Yan Yan, the Fire Mark team's jungler. He usually liked to practice heroes in the country's server. There were countless shooters who died under his knife in the country.

Before Zhou Jiawen joined the Fire Mark team, Ah Yan was the absolute core of the team. However, Zhou Jiawen had the strength of an international level. He was also handsome, and his elegant personality attracted countless fans. Soon, he overshadowed the old player, Ah Yan. Later, when the Fire-mark team was mentioned, the first person the fans thought of was Captain Zhou.

Ah Yan didn't mind his limelight being stolen. It was said that he had a good relationship with Captain Zhou. His strength was actually one of the top junglers in the country. Therefore, when dealing with the Fire Mark team, they couldn't just focus on the single player.

Chi Shuo said, "The Fire Mark team also has a jungler, but their jungler is the core of the team. The jungler follows the rhythm of the mid laner."

Coach Lin nodded and said, "That's right. Ah Yan's playing style is a bit like the shadow striker strategy in football. His position in the team battle is between the top and mid laner. As the 'shadow' of the mid laner, he can quickly change according to the situation on the field. His biggest role is to assist the mid laner in attacking and protecting the mid laner when he retreats. Therefore, the jungler of the Fire Mark team often appears in the mid lane. "

Ye Shaoyang understood and said, "It seems that Ah Yan and Captain Zhou have a very strong tacit understanding."

Coach Lin said, "Yes, so when fighting the Fire Mark team, it's equivalent to a head-on PK between the jungler and the mid laner. It depends on which side's rhythm is stronger. The pressure of the bottom lane isn't very high. The strength of the Fire Mark's shooters can only be said to be average. "

Cheng Xing heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Unfortunately, before he could finish heaving a sigh of relief, he heard Coach Lin say, "However, Vulcan's teamwork is stronger than ours. This team is very good at the positional battle system. It's very difficult to crack a positional battle with the Goddess of Flames as the core."

Ye Shaoyang had seen all the videos of last season's matches. Fire Vein's positional play system was indeed very powerful.

The Goddess of Flame would spread out a ring of fire, the Trapper would set up traps, and the Cannoneer would throw artillery shells from a distance. Their opponents would be crippled before they could even get close. Then, they would steadily advance, pull out the defense towers, and occupy the wilderness inch by inch.

Coach Lin looked at Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo. "If you want to crack Huowen's positional warfare system, the two of you can only work together to kill Captain Zhou. However, Captain Zhou is heavily protected. You may not be able to kill him. If it doesn't work, I'll ban the Goddess of Flames. "

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