Chapter 32

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The next morning, Ye Shaoyang woke up at seven as planned. After washing up, he went to the study and turned on his computer.

His stream announcement was, "I'm not streaming this weekend, I'll see you on Monday." So, Sunday was a free time for him to familiarize himself with the six most common midlaner goddesses.

The first to break into the national server was Frost Goddess.

He was already very familiar with this hero, and the combo of skills was very simple.

Freeze the opponent with W, reduce the opponent's defense with Q, and kill the opponent with R's.

The key was whether it could freeze the opponent.

Frost Goddess's W skill, Three Feet of Frost, would be delayed for 0.5 seconds. Most experts would know to dodge when they saw the skill. So, the most important skill of this hero was prediction.

You had to predict where the opponent would go next and release the freezing skill in advance to successfully freeze the opponent. If you released it on the spot, the opponent would definitely run away as long as they weren't blind. This hero was also very suitable for ambushing.

The range of the big move was very wide. In addition to dealing devastating damage in a team battle, it could also quickly clear the enemy and block the opponent's movement in narrow terrain such as the jungle and high ground.

Overall, Frost Goddess was a very suitable hero for "team battle control." She wasn't suitable for midlaner coordination. She walked as slow as a snail and didn't have any movement skills. She couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the jungler.

But an excellent midlaner had to be well-rounded and know how to play all kinds of heroes. This way, they could adjust their hero according to the team's lineup and not be targeted by the opposing coach too much.

Ye Shaoyang practiced Frost Goddess for half a day in the training camp. In the afternoon, he practiced Flame Goddess for half a day. At night, he familiarized himself with Thunder Goddess's controls. He went to the computer and increased the proficiency of the six goddesses to 100 so that he could play ranked matches.

A day passed quickly.

At midnight on Monday, the national server rankings were refreshed. A system message popped up in the game.

Congratulations, your hero [Illusionist] was ranked first in the country with 12000 combat power last week. He received the title of [National Server's Number One Illusionist]!

The Illusionist national server was the second national server title he received.

He surpassed A Yuge who was originally ranked first.

Ye Shaoyang happily turned off his computer and went back to his room to sleep.

On Monday morning, he practiced Hero for an hour as usual. Then, at 10 o 'clock sharp, he started his live stream. He hadn't seen Zhang Zian for two days over the weekend, and the netizens in the live broadcast room had all flooded the screen to say hello to him. Of course, there were also a large number of people who came to see the cat.

Kitty Kitty Muacks, Little White is still as cute today!

Streamer, let me tell you, it's not right to disappear for two days in a row. A dedicated streamer has to broadcast every day. If you disappear again, I'll unfollow you!

Xiao Bai, just you wait. I'm going to search for some insults so that I can scold you when I lose!

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the comments and said with a smile, "From today onwards, we'll use Frost Goddess on the national server. This hero should take less than a week to take down the national server. "

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