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act one, chapter ten
act one

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"Why are we in Big Red's house if he isn't even here?"

"He said he would be here soon." Ricky sighs, his leg bouncing in anticipation. "I just really need your guys' opinion on my opening night gift to Nini."

"Oh." Is all Andrea could bring herself to stay.

Andrea Townsend

"The more Ricky comes to me for advice or to just talk about Nini, the harder it is to deal with the stupid heartache. I mean, yes, I have had this stupid little crush thing on Ricky for years, even when he was dating Nini, but even then, he never actively came to me for advice." Andrea looks down, pursing her lips. "It's just... hard. Harder. But what am I supposed to do? He needs help and I need to finally move on."

"You're late!"

"We finished painting the sets, like, twenty minutes ago." Big Red greets the girl before turning to his best friend. "What's the big emergency?"

"I... I want to play you something. Just promise me you two won't laugh."

"I have no control over when I laugh, Ricky."

"Neither do I."

"Here goes." Ricky takes a deep breath and starts strumming his guitar.

"I fell in love
With the only girl who knows what I'm about..."

"Wait. I'm going to stop you right there." Big Red interrupts the song, making Andrea slightly annoyed.

She would be lying if she said that the song wasn't giving her butterflies, even when she knew the song wasn't about her.

"Can I at least do the first verse?"

"Sure. Okay."

"After all is said and done
I can't just pretend I'm moving on
Is it just a part we're playing
Because it don't feel like we're faking..."

"Can I talk now?" Big Red interrupts again, making Andrea groan. "So this is for Gina? I-I thought she moved away."

"She did." Ricky says, giving Andrea a sad look. "The day after she missed tech rehearsal. It... It all happened so fast."


"Oh, okay."

"The song is for Nini. Like an opening night thing ." Ricky says. "Nini and I almost kissed the other day."

This shocks both Andrea and Big Red, making them look at each other with their jaw hanging. "Wait, what?!"

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"I look like those kids from the musical you made me watch years ago."

"Newsies?" Andrea recalls as Kourtney does the finishing touches of the girl's make up.

"I don't remember." Aiden says as he plays with the angles of his hat. "But if it's characters look like this, then yes."

"We've got mystery flowers, people!" Carlos comes in with a large display of flowers, followed by Seb who brought in another.

"Those are massive."

"Why mystery?" Big Red asks in confusion.

"Well, the one Seb is holding is addressed to our lovely Kelsi, except there is no clue on who it's from." Carlos says, making Andrea looking around in confusion as she takes the flowers from the blonde.

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