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act two, chapter seven

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"Why do I hear sheep but don't see sheep?"

"Oh, that's Jimmy. He has social anxiety."

"Well, I'm team Jimmy. I don't camp, I don't glamp, I don't even sleep without a silk pillow case."

"Listen, I'm sure Seb, Elana, and Gina have a good reason for bringing us to his barn so late, on a school night. Not that I mind the romantic setting."

"Romantic is debatable. But I like where you're headed."

"Okay, so, we gathered you guys here tonight 'cause I've got this idea."

"And because we only have hours to pull it off, it's gonna take all of us. The whole family."

"Aw, you guys."

Gina, Elana, and Seb go over their idea for Carlos' Quinceañero. Assigning duties to the rest of the group and coming up with a plan on how they were going to get all of it to work.

The entire group breaks away, ready to head home and start on their individual preparations for the party. "Andy, can you hang back for a sec?"

"Yeah, sure." Andrea turns to her cousin, "I'll meet you at the car." The boy nods, catching the keys. The auburn haired girl turns back to her two friends. "What's up?"

"So, we are going to be remaking the dance video Carlos' posted on instagram a while ago, you might have seen it—"

"Of course, I did. It was amazing." Andrea says, a small smile on her face as she remembers the video. "It's a shame people were such jerks to him about it, though."

"Well, we wanted you to join us." Gina asks with a bright smile. "We are going to have to learn and teach everyone the dance at any chance we can get, but I think Carlos will love it."

Andrea looks between Elana and Gina who wore pleading expressions. "I'm in."


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A dancer's heart

"That was great guys!" Gina turns to the group, offering everyone a high-five.

Andrea plasters on a smile before returning the gesture to the girl. She walks over to where she had stored her things.

She takes out her phone and looks back at the text her father had sent her almost a week ago that she had yet to make a decision.

"Hey, Andy. Are you all right?" Elana asks the girl, joining her side. "You've been quiet lately and are losing track of time more than usual. I mean, i've had to buy you coffee practically everyday because you are never awake early enough to make it to the café anymore."

"Yeah, sorry again about that and thank you. I just– I have a lot on my mind right now." Andrea says, turning off her phone and stuffing it into her pocket. "It's kind of hard for me to stay focused."

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