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act two, chapter four
love day

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"I hate Valentines Day."

"Boo-hoo, now hold still before I accidentally mess up your make up." Elana says, giving her best friend a pointed look. "Maybe if you hadn't spent years crushing on your unavailable childhood friend, you'd like this holiday more. Relationship or not."

"I know that, Lani. Trust me."

"I know you do, just thought to remind you." Elana says, giving her friend a sarcastic smile. "Y'know, the best way to get over someone is to actually put yourself out there and try to get over them. I don't see you putting much effort."

"Hey, I gave some random guy my number! If that's not progress, I don't know what is."

"Right and have you accepted any of his invitations to hang out with him at his studio or literally anywhere?"

"I-I've been busy." Andrea says, making Elana roll her eyes. "Between the crap the senior class is giving the junior class student government about planning their Senior Farewell, volleyball practice, Beauty and the Beast, and working up the courage to tell my mom that I want to don't want to go to med school, I don't have time to meet up with Leo."

"You literally stayed in bed and watched Youtube all day yesterday, you could've totally went out with him then."

"I don't see you putting yourself out there after EJ, hypocrite." Andrea says, folding her arms over her chest. "And I don't need a guy to make me happy. I'll get over Ricky on my own."

"Yeah, well how has that been going for you so far?"

Andrea Townsend


"Just fine, actually. Thank you very much."

"Whatever, but for your information, I am putting myself out there. I actually have a Valentine this year." Elana says, making Andrea gasp.

"Who?! And why haven't you told me about this?"

"Well, it's Kaden from drama club." Elana says, her cheeks turning red. "And I didn't tell you because it happened out of no where. He helped me move stuff around when I was dealing with the costume situation while Kourtney was rehearsing her scenes. We need more people on crew or something because not only am I designing sets, but i'm also Kourtney's assistant for when she's too busy being a teapot ."

Andrea chuckles at her friends complaints. "I'm so happy for you, Lani. Kaden's a really nice guy."

"Thanks, Andy." Elana says, adding the final touches to her friend's love day make-up. "Now, it's your turn. I know you haven't had the best luck in this department with Joseph and Ricky, but nothing's going to change if you don't try. New guy or not, I want you to be happy."

"All right, i'll try harder."

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"Well, don't you look adorable."

"Elana loves Valentines day so I let her play barbie with me and she definitely dressed me up to her liking today." Andrea says, gesturing to her red and white ensemble. "The least I can do for her since she's stuck with me this long."

"Well, she's been a huge help." Miss Jenn says, handing the girl a packet of paper. "This is the score for the prologue that you will being choreographing. Your big number. Play with the arrangement if you'd like, but i'll send you a recording to help with your choreography."

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