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act four,   chapter two
featured extra number 8

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"This is so official. There's a sign on the door. What do we do?" Ashlyn turns to the group, wide-eyed. "Do we knock? Do we make a grand entrance? What do they do in Hollywood?"

"You guys, we're actually rehearsing for High School Musical 4." Gina says, excitedly, grabbing onto Andrea's arm and giving it a squeeze.

"Hollywood? More like Holly-will."

"Oh, Ricky, no." Andrea sends him a disapproving look.

"Sorry, guys, I'm really excited." Ricky beams.

"My college applications are gonna love this." Kourtney says with a satisfied smirk, "Kourtney Greene, scholar, philanthropist, Hollywood actress!"

"Obviously my bone structure was built for the big screen, but is anyone concerned we have auditions for Miss Jenn in an hour?"

"Nope. That's when this rehearsal ends." Ricky says, making Andrea nod along in agreement. "So we'll be warmed up, ready to go and in Wildcat mode."

Suddenly, the door is pushed open, revealing a somewhat familiar woman. "Featured Background?"


"You're late." The woman's fake smile drops. "Why didn't you knock?"

"Funny story..."

"Time is money." The woman leads the girl into the auditorium and plots them onto the stage. She stops in front of Andrea as she crosses the stage, giving her a curious look. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

Andrea tenses up, finally remembering where she had seen the woman before. She was one of the judges at her last competition. She had given her the highest marks. "Sorry, I have no idea," the girl lies.

"Huh." The choreographer walks off, still trying to figure out why the teen looked so familiar. Andrea lets out a long breath, turning to Elana with worried look.

"Hollywood!" Elana whispers holding up her jazz hands. Andrea chuckles, rolling her eyes as Gina and Ricky finally join the rest of the group.

"So, you're excused from class this afternoon. I'm Krystal, the choreographer for the movie, I've got two hours to teach you this dance combination."

"We thought this was just an hour 'cause we need this theater."

"That's what I was talking about."

"First rule of being an extra. No questions or talking unless it's an emergency. We shoot this in a couple of weeks. Confidentially, this is the big high school reunion song, headlined by Mo, Lucas and Corbin."

"I love how everyone keeps calling Monique 'Mo'. I'm sorry, I talked." Ashlyn says, making Elana reach out to pat the girl's back.

"Krystal, I'd like to use an emergency question." Ricky raises his hand. "If we theoretically had an audition here for our school musical in an hour..."

"Then theoretically, the director will laugh that you think a school musical is more important."

"Right, but..."

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