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act two,   chapter five
snowed in

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"Andy, hey. Sorry to interrupt you while you are working on the prologue dance, but we need your help."

Andrea turns off the music, turning to her friend with a curious look. "It's no problem. I was about to take a break anyway."

"Thanks so much." Gina says, waiting for the girl to join her side before the two girls leave the room and walk out into the hall. "It seems like we haven't talked in a while. How was your Valentines Day?"

"Oh, it was—" Andrea feels her cheeks heat up at the recent memory, making her clear her throat before answering, "uneventful. Chocolates, pizzas, and action movies. The usual glamorous Love Day routine. You?"

"Same," Gina shrugs awkwardly, making both girls chuckle as they walk into the main practice room. "By the way, have you seen EJ? Everyone's been looking for him."

"Not since I got to school. Maybe he got sick?"

"Yeah, maybe."

"Everybody, listen up." Gina playfully nudges her friend slightly before moving to the front beside Carlos.

"Great news. Gina and I agreed to joint custody of you all." Carlos announces to the group, making Andrea look between the two choreographers in confusion.

"Oh, so who gets us on weekends?"

"We're gonna workshop our Be Our Guest visions on you guys separately before adding the dancers."

"Wait, what—"

"The winning version will then be decided in an anonymous vote."

"Fun and easy." The two choreographers give each other subtle, competitive glares, making the rest of the cast glance around at each other with knowing look.

"Why can't you two just combine your ideas—"

"Let's begin." Carlos cuts the girl off, making her let out a frustrated sigh.

Andrea watches the two choreographers with a bored expression, knowing well this whole situation was unnecessary as the purpose of two choreographers was to collaborate, not compete.

"This number was inspired by my second-oldest sister's quince." Carlos says, making Elana smile from the memory of their sister's quince. "Theme, sultry jazz. Sebastian, you may begin."

Before Carlos could even demonstrates the first move to his choreo idea, the classroom lights start to flicker before eventually completely shutting off.

"Oh, what was that?"

"Maybe a power line went down."

"Oh, no, you guys. I missed an alert from my Farmer's Alman-app." Seb says, making everyone turn to him. "Salt Lake just got half a foot in half an hour."

"My dad says the roads are completely closed."

"Oh, my gosh, you guys, get out here!" The group here's Carlos call out from the hall. Everyone gets up from their seats and rushes out of the room to see the chaotic, blizzardy state of the outside world.


"This is insane!"

"Are we the only ones stuck at school?"

"Looks like every other club went home."

"Should I check on Nini? I'm checking on Nini." Kourtney says, pulling out her phone.

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